Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Character Sheet: Space Pirate


And now, let's take a quick break to go over our new characters from the six games that fall under the "Metroid" label (no Primes or remakes). As you can see, we have twenty (or twenty-five to be more accurate, but we'll get to those. They are:

1. Samus Aran

2. Adam Malkovitch

3. Mother Brain

4. MB*

5. Ridley

6. Kraid

7. Raven Beak

8. SA-X

9. Space Pirate

10. Kihunter

11. Metroid

12. X-Parasite

13. Autoad

14. Chozo Soldier

15. Robot Chozo Soldier

16. EMMI

17. Torizo

18. Phantoon

19. Nightmare

20. Metroid Queen

Next up, we have the Space Pirates, or Zebesians (even though canonically the Chozo come from Zebes, so it doesn't make sense, but no matter). These are the main grunts of the space pirate army, tall reptilian beings generally with blades along their arms who can cling to walls and so on. They didn't appear until Super Metroid, but Zero Mission retroactively included them in the previous story arc.

As far as their abilities, Space Pirates come with claws and blades on their arms, can fire energy beams, throw their claws, cling and hop from wall to wall, kick, swim, and fire wave beams. It's also worth noting, for Up B purposes that the 3D games include jetpacks to fly around with, because otherwise I might have used Kihunter wings or something.

Here's the movesets I came up with:

Standard B: Blade Slash

The Space Pirate will slash forward with its blade. If it connects with another body, it will simply slash. If not, it will fly forward a short distance and come back.

Side B: Energy Beam

They will fire the energy beams that they are known for throughout the games.

Up B: Rocket Pack

The space pirate's jetpack from the Prime games will open up, lifting them off the ground and into the air. The player can perform other attacks while in the air.

Down B: Pirate Kick

The Space Pirate will perform a kick, slashing and clawing with its legs if it connects. I figure the clinging to walls can just be a natural thing they are good at.

Final Smash: Horde Attack

A Space Pirate Mothership will appear, opening up and dropping a horde of pirates down onto the stage to ravage and pillage to their heart's content.

Entrance: They will drop down from an airship.

Taunts: Up, they will raise their blade to the sky. Side, they will take up a fighting stance and let out a warning screech. Down, they will crouch and look around.

Kirby Hat: Their heads with their big buggy eyes.

Kart: Based on their weapons and ships.

Special Move: They will be able to attack to the side with their blades.

Spirit Battle: A horde battle on Space Pirate Mothership.

Victory Screen: A horde of them will raise their blades into the air in victory.

Losing Screen: They will try to run as the planet self-destructs beneath their feet.

Color Swaps: Their teal-ish original color, their green color, their red color, their pink color, their purple Fusion color, their Metroid Prime look, their Prime 3 look, a look based on Weavel.

Thanks for reading! Next up, their winged buglike allies, the Kihunters!

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