Friday, June 9, 2023

Metroid Dread


The history of Metroid Dread is long and complicated. First planned in 2005 but cancelled due to technical limitations, it was unveiled fifteen years later and released in 2022 to worldwide acclaim. It acts as a sequel to Fusion, with Samus being sent to the planet ZDR after evidence that some X-Parasites had survived SR388's destruction had resulted in seven E.M.M.I. robots disppearing there.

Samus is our returning hero, starting out with a basic suit (still stuck in one as she is still part Metroid now). She comes with her Omega Cannon and Charge Beam, but also picks up the spider magnet, phantom cloak, wide beam, morph ball, bombs, flash shift, grapple beam, pulse radar, super missiles, plasma beam, ice missiles, cross bomb, storm missiles, space jump, power bombs, a drain ability, a giant beam, and a glowing hand that destroys the E.M.M.I.s.

Adam Malkovitch returns again as Samus's AI computer, and an old Chozo named Quiet Robe functions as an ally for Samus as well. EMMIs were robots designed to be allies to Samus, but they were corrupted by the game's villain and now stalk the game, hunting down Samus and killing her instantly if they ever catch her. They can grab, wall climb, crawl, scan, rampage at full speed, and stab Samus through with an energy spike. There are seven of them, who all behave slightly differently, but each has those same basic abilities.

Raven Beak is our main villain, a Chozo from a warrior clan using X-Parasites for his own purposes. His presence around Samus also excites the Metroid DNA within her, causing it to rapidly accelerate and take over her body. He can fire a laser blast, leap, absorb energy, dash really fast, scan with a laser, create an orb or darkness, fire an energy beam, fly with wings, stomp, and create a supernova. The X-Parasites also maintain a strong presence, shapeshifting, spawning offspring, and using the cross bomb.

Other bosses include the returning Kraid, who can spit up bombs, claw, fire spikes, spew plasma, and bite, all while being restrained by a neck harness that pulls him back. After him we have Corpius, a scorpion-thing with a stinger that can turn invisible; Drogyga, an aquatic thing with tentacles that can shoot fireballs; Golzuna, a big spider-like thing; Escue, a big flying thing; and Experiment No. Z-57, a bio-experiment with tentacles that can shoot lasers. After them, we also have the Central Units that supply the power to kill EMMIs, and two types of Chozo Soldiers. The regular ones carry spears, can wall jump, stab down, dash, throw out waves of sludge and spray goop, and carry shields. The Robot Chozo Soldiers shoot lasers, are equipped with arm scythes, can dash, shoot laser beams, and jump spin.

After them, it's a whole lot of enemies doing the same things as before. Generally one specific ability, filling a certain niche, and generally, they all come with different names. These include Armadiggers, Batalloons, Blindflies, Caterzillas, Chozo Zombies, Daivos, Depthorns, Dizzeans, Dredheds, Dropters, Fings, Fulmites, Gobblers, Muzbies, Gooplots, Gooshockers, Ground Shockers, Hecathons, Icefleas, Infesters, Klaidas, Kreeps, Lightened Krills, Lum Ells, Nailongs, Nailuggers, Obsydomithons, Omnithons, Planteaters, Plies, Quetzoas, Redenkis, Rock Divers, Rods, Rodotuks, Sabotorus, Sakais, Sclawks, Scourges, Sea Slugs, Shakernauts, Sharpaws, Shelmits, Siluros, Slaagas, Slidles, Spitclawks, Spittails, Sunnaps, Takumakus, Vulkrans, Yampas, Yojimbees, and five machines starting with Aut-, including Autclast, Autector, Autool, Autsharp, and Autsniper. And now that I'm putting the blogs together, I'm noticing a few of these, so I'm going to go back over them all on my own time and see what's there.

As for stages, the whole thing takes place on the Planet ZDR, a Chozo outpost inhabited by the warlike Mawkin tribe. Each region has slight variations, but its all mostly "alien world" so . . . there's Artaria, Cataris, Dairon, Burenia, Ghavoran, Ferenia, Elun, Hanubia, and Itorash, Itorash having a sort of capitol/temple kind of vibe to it.

And that should be it! Here's what we've got so far:


Samus Aran: power suit, power beam, morph ball, missile, long beam, bomb, ice beam, high jump boots, Varia Suit, Screw Attack, wave beam, spider ball, spring ball, space jump, spazer beam, plasma beam, Speed Booster, Grappling Beam, X-Ray Scope, Gravity Suit, Hyper Beam, Fusion Suit, wide beam, power bombs, omega suit, Omega Cannon, spider magnet, phantom cloak, flash shift, pulse radar, cross bomb, storm missiles, drain, giant beam, glowing hand.

Zero-Suit Samus: All listed above (except suits of course)

Adam Malkovitch

Quiet Robe

EMMI: grab, wall climb, crawl, scan, rampage, energy spike

Mother Brain: laser, glass casing, Rinkas, energy barriers, T-Rex body, eye beam, explosive rocks, energy disks

Ridley: hop, fireballs, flying, swinging tail, screen attack, tail bounce, fire breath, grab and lift

Kraid: blades, spikes, bombs, claw, plasma breath, bite, neck harness

Raven Beak: laser blast, leap, absorb energy, dash, scan, orb of darkness, energy beam, wings, stomp, supernova

X-Parasite: attach, orbs, shapeshift, more parasites, ice, get big, cross bomb

SA-X: missiles, super bombs, ice beam, screw attack, monster, stomp


Phantoon: ghost, drop fire, ring of fire

Crocomire: charge, slash, skeleton

Metroid: float, drain energy, rise from shell, fly, claws, electricity, fire, fireballs

Metroid Queen: stretch neck, spike balls, swallow, spit up Samus

Baby Metroid

Space Pirate: claw, energy beam, cling to wall, hop from walls, kick, throw claws, lasers, swim

Torizo: walk, spit bombs, rubble, energy waves, jump, drop eggs

Chozo Soldier: spear, wall jump, stab down, dash, sludge wave, goop spray, shield

Robot Chozo Soldier: laser, arm scythe, dash, laser beam, jump spin

Kihunters: fly, spit acid


Autom: look into







Spore Spawn











Experiment No. Z-57


Planet Zebes





Ceres Space Colony



Wrecked Ship

Biologic Space Laboratories











Thanks for reading! And now, the black sheep game that still falls under the title of Metroid as opposed to Metroid Prime.

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