Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Character Sheet: SA-X


And now, let's take a quick break to go over our new characters from the six games that fall under the "Metroid" label (no Primes or remakes). As you can see, we have twenty (or twenty-five to be more accurate, but we'll get to those. They are:

1. Samus Aran

2. Adam Malkovitch

3. Mother Brain

4. MB*

5. Ridley

6. Kraid

7. Raven Beak

8. SA-X

9. Space Pirate

10. Kihunter

11. Metroid

12. X-Parasite

13. Autoad

14. Chozo Soldier

15. Robot Chozo Soldier

16. EMMI

17. Torizo

18. Phantoon

19. Nightmare

20. Metroid Queen

And now, we come to SA-X, considered by many to be one of the most terrifying of Samus's foes. SA-X appears in Metroid Fusion, an X-Parasite that copied Samus's form and abilities and then proceeded to stalk her throughout the Biologic Space Laboratories, always being just a few rooms behind her. Now, the moves SA-X is specifically shown using are missiles, super bombs, ice beams, and the screw attack, before turning into a monster at the end. Honestly, though, simpler answer is just to make it Samus's echo, especially as Dark Samus has a lot of her own stuff going on.

Here's the movesets I came up with:

Standard B: Charge Beam

Will look more like an X-Parasite growing larger instead of energy building.

Side B: Missile

They should specifically match the look of the missiles in Fusion specifically.

Up B: Screw Attack

SA-X should lose its form and become all blobby for just a second.

Down B: Bombs

Specifically those bombs as seen in Fusion.

Final Smash: Monster Form

The biggest difference from Samus. SA-X will take on its gigantic monster form from the end of the game and stomp around.

Entrance: It will slowly walk on with its sound effects.

Taunts: Each should be an attempted recreation of Samus's taunts, but each one is just a little off in different ways.

Kirby Hat: Samus's helmet but with SA-X face

Kart: Based on Samus's ship from Fusion.

Special Move: It will mirror a nearby fighter, moving into position directly behind them and performing all the same maneuvers as them for a short time, also only ever targeting them with items.

Spirit Battle: One-on-one, on Biologic Space Laboratories.

Victory Screen: It will infect its opponent and become them, recreating their victory pose.

Losing Screen: It will freeze and then fall apart.

Color Swaps: All of Samus's color swaps, just with a very distinct SA-X face on the visor.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the primary henchmen of Ridley and bulk of his forces.

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