Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Character Sheet: Robot Chozo Soldier


And now, let's take a quick break to go over our new characters from the six games that fall under the "Metroid" label (no Primes or remakes). As you can see, we have twenty (or twenty-five to be more accurate, but we'll get to those. They are:

1. Samus Aran

2. Adam Malkovitch

3. Mother Brain

4. MB*

5. Ridley

6. Kraid

7. Raven Beak

8. SA-X

9. Space Pirate

10. Kihunter

11. Metroid

12. X-Parasite

13. Autoad

14. Chozo Soldier

15. Robot Chozo Soldier

16. EMMI

17. Torizo

18. Phantoon

19. Nightmare

20. Metroid Queen

And now for the other half of this little bit of Dread storytelling. After Raven Beak's actual Mawkin soldiers were wiped out by the X-Parasites, he sealed himself in his safe zone and activated a team of robots to do his bidding for him. These are the Robot Chozo Soldiers who fight quite a bit differently from their formerly living counterparts, something I'm a little impressed by. That's not a direction I'd have thought to go.

Instead of the spears, the robots have large arm scythes, similar to many Space Pirate types and fight with those. They also shoot lasers at Samus (both bolts and beams), dash forward at high speed, and jump and spin with their blades. It's minimal, but enough.

Here's the movesets I came up with:

Standard B: Laser Bolt

The robot will fire lasers from its cannon as strong projectiles.

Side B: Laser Beam

The robot will fire one solid laser beam straight across the stage that can be moved around and will burn those it contacts.

Up B: Jump Spin

The robot will leap into the air and spin with its blade, not unlike Link's upward special.

Down B: Dash

The soldier will dash forward rapidly and slice with it scythe, using a sweet spot to send opponents flying.

Final Smash: Central Unit

One of the Central Units controlling the base on ZRD will appear, and start attacking the stage they way it would in its battles with Samus.

Entrance: The robot will drop and brandish its scythe.

Taunts: Up, it will seem to activate and stand up straighter. Side, it will swish its blade around warily. Down, it will seem to go to sleep.

Kirby Hat: Their head armor.

Kart: Based on a Central Unit.

Special Move: They will get a sudden speed boost and slash directly in front of them.

Spirit Battle: A three-on-one battle on Artaria.

Victory Screen: The soldier will deactivate and Raven Beak will stand proudly over it.

Losing Screen: The soldier will fall over, spark a little, then explode.

Color Swaps: The main design, and then colors based on the EMMIs.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the EMMIs themselves.

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