Monday, May 31, 2021

Hotel Mario


Today, let's go over probably the worst Mario game ever made, published by Royal Phillips Electronics for the Phillips CD-i, the same company that made the likewise worst Zelda games ever made. I think most fans of Nintendo know the ones. The game features a bunch of terrible animated cutscenes, coupled with terrible gameplay to create a truly unique gaming experience.

Basically, you play as Mario and Luigi as you traverse through a series of hotels, basically going in and out of elevators to close a bunch of doors. That's about it. The Koopalings and Bowser act as bosses, and our hotels are puns on various famous hotels with cosmetic differences between them. These are the Wood-Door Hysteria Hotel built into a tree; the Hardbrick Hotel as just a brick building; the Chillton Hotel, an ice biome; The High-ate Regency Hotel set on a cloud; Thump Castle Hotel based on a haunted house; the Blitz Snarlton Hotel, a casino stage; and the Seizures Palace Hotel, the Bowser's Castle level. Goombas, Koopas, Dry Bones, Buzzy Beetles, Wigglers, and Boos all do appear, but aren't particularly recognizable.

Well, that's that! Here's what we've got so far:


Mario/Jumpman: jump, klaptrap, cement, box a cake, bomb, juggling, hockey, trampoline, diving, bucket, rowboat, spray, fireball

Luigi: trampoline, boxing

Peach: cooking

Yoshi: eat food, hammer, hold up manhole

Donkey Kong: barrels, juggle, balance on barrel, hockey

Donkey Kong Jr.: climb vines

Bowser: oil

Wario: defend statue

Waluigi: box

Stanley: spray


Bullet Bill



Fly Guy



Cement Factory


Bombs Away


Arcade Cabinets

Real World Locations

Time Machine

Hotel Mario

Thanks for reading! Now, let's do a character stint again!

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