Saturday, May 22, 2021

Game & Watch Games


Alright, today, we're going to do a lump post for all Game & Watch games featuring Mario. This does not include the Game & Watch Galleries or the recent Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch game just released. Over the course of the Game & Watch original run, Mario appeared in a total of eleven games. Naturally, being Game & Watch games, these are very simple, but still give us some stuff to work with.

First up, is a simplified version of Donkey Kong quickly followed by a simplified version of Donkey Kong Jr. In both of these, Mario, Donkey Kong, and Donkey Kong Jr. perform the basic functions of those games with no embellishment (Mario jumping and sending out Klaptraps, Donkey throwing barrels, and Junior climbing vines).

Then we saw a few originals. These include: Mario's Cement Factory, where he has to load up a pair of trucks with cement without letting the dispenser get overfilled; Mario Bros., which, despite the similar name, features Mario and Luigi at a conveyor belt putting together a cake and wrapping it up for delivery; then Mario's Bombs Away, which features Mario passing a bomb to an enemy soldier while trying not to let it explode in his hands; and Mario the Juggler, which just has Mario juggling.

We then saw Donkey Kong II, which was also a simplified Donkey Kong Jr.; Donkey Kong Circus, which mostly saw Donkey juggling while balancing on a barrel; Donkey Kong Hockey, featuring Mario and DK playing hockey against each other; then Donkey Kong 3, a simplified version of the original game. Then we wrap up with a VERY simple version of Super Mario Bros., where all platforms are tiny little lines, and the only enemies to speak of are Bullet Bills and Lakitus.

That's about it for today! Here's what we've got so far:


Mario/Jumpman: jump, klaptrap, cement, box a cake, bomb, juggling, hockey

Donkey Kong: barrels, juggle, balance on barrel, hockey

Donkey Kong Jr.: climb vines

Stanley: spray

Bullet Bill



Cement Factory


Bombs Away


Thanks for reading! Next up, we start on the Galleries!

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