Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Character Sheet: Rabbid Mario


More games than I've ever covered, and only five new characters offered up. At least they're all fun characters. Here are those added in by the assortment of random Mario games that couldn't fit into a neat group. They are:

1. Builder Mario

2. Foreman Spike

3. Rabbid Mario

4. Ziggy

5. Rabbid Kong

Today, let's cover Rabbid Mario, or rather, let's cover Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Luigi, Rabbid Peach, and Rabbid Yoshi all with a color swap each. As the four characters more or less played the same, just with some variance, they will just act as color swaps of each other. Beep-O will also act as a support character with the moveset.

As far as moves go, we have a few different types to work with. Obviously, we have the team jump which is an easy Up B. Then we have projectile moves using the guns that make up the core of the gameplay, melee attacks using hammers and such, grenades, area attacks, sentries that can be sent out to explode, healing blasts for allies, and shields to protect from attack. We also have Spawny, the timid rabbid with a penchant for fusing things.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Beam Blast

This will be the standard beam charge shot used throughout the game. You can charge and hold it, causing it to come out in different forms, including a single shot, multi-shot, and heal charge. These will be aesthetically different for each of the four, but not too different in practice.

Side B: Sentry

The character will send out a sentry that can be controlled remotely by the player. After it travels a certain amount of time, it will stop and explode.

Up B: Team Up

I'm tempted to say the Rabbid will just use Beep-O as the trampoline and launch off of him, but we could also have one of the unused Rabbid skins pop out and act as the trampoline. (Not sure what to do about 8-player smash if we did).

Down B: Shield

The character will surround themselves in a shield bubble that will protect them from projectile attacks.

Final Smash: Spawny

Spawny will appear onstage, look around fearfully for a second before being startled and firing off a bunch of merging blasts in every direction. If we wanted to really get ambitious, the beams could combine the current stage with a random other stage and merge the fighters together (giving both players control of the resulting chimera) for a few seconds, but I imagine that would be insane to program, and it would probably be easier to just have the blasts do a lot of damage.

Entrance: The washing machine will crash-land and the Rabbid will pop out.

Taunts: So many options. Up, do Rabbid Peach's trademark selfie. Side, charge the gun for a second too long, resulting in a small explosion before the Rabbid laughs it off. Down, the Rabbid will chase Spawny around for a second.

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover the enemies appearing in Mario + Rabbids!

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