Friday, May 21, 2021

Character Sheet: Rabbid Kong


More games than I've ever covered, and only five new characters offered up. At least they're all fun characters. Here are those added in by the assortment of random Mario games that couldn't fit into a neat group. They are:

1. Builder Mario

2. Foreman Spike

3. Rabbid Mario

4. Ziggy

5. Rabbid Kong

Today, we will be covering Rabbid Kong. Rabbid Kong is a fusion between a rabbid and an image of Donkey Kong. It acts as a one-off boss in the first level of Mario + Rabbids, but then gets an expanded role as the main villain of the Donkey Kong expansion. In his first battle, he mostly just punches and causes shockwaves by slamming his fists, throwing a tantrum because his bananas went missing, but then in the expansion, he gains a club with a glowing banana on the end that he swings around like a weapon, can throw like a boomerang, and spins above his head to fly for a short distance.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Giant Rabbid Punch

So this one is his giant punch and hearkens to Donkey Kong's standard move currently in Smash, since he is based on him.

Side B: Banana Boomerang

He will throw his banana club forward, and it will spin and come back to him like a boomerang.

Up B: Banana Chopper

He will spin the Banana Club over his head fast enough to lift himself into the air for a short distance.

Down B: Ground Slam

This will be his pounding the ground and causing a shockwave. This does hearken a little to Donkey's current Down B, but also based much more on his move from the game.

Final Smash: Phantom

Since we brought up Phantom as a possible Ziggy final smash, I wouldn't say no to putting Phantom here and letting Ziggy keep Lava Queen. If not, possibly that fusion vortex that created Rabbid Kong originally and that he later used to take himself and Rabbid Peach to Donkey Kong world.

Entrance: He will jump down from above, like he does in the game.

Taunts: Up, he will rear up and pound his chest. Side, he will pick a banana off a pile. Down, he will scrabble at the ground, searching for his missing bananas.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's update the roster!

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