Saturday, April 17, 2021

Wrecking Crew


So, up to now, we've been covering games in small bite-sized increments of around four to ten. That is now behind us, at least until we finish up the Mario series and move on to The Legend of Zelda. It will still come in sections, but they will be considerably larger. First up, we have a boatload of "mainline" Mario games that I couldn't fit perfectly into a group of their own, so they're all here. We'll start with Wrecking Crew.

Wrecking Crew was one of the earliest games of the Mario series, predating even Super Mario Bros. The game features Mario and Luigi running around a building under construction, attempting to destroy it (Why? Not exactly sure). They are challenged in this endeavor buy the site's foreman, a Wario-predecessor named Spike, and his crew of living eggplants and wrenches.

Mario and Luigi are our main players, using hammers to destroy sections, setting off bombs, dropping drums on top of enemies to trap them, and using the special golden hammer when it appears. Our villains are a bit more simple, with Foreman Spike running around in the background trying to push you off the level you are standing on, while the Eggplant Men and Gotchawrenches simply run around getting in your way. As for stages, its really just the said building in construction.

That's about it for now. Here's what we've got so far:


Mario: hammer, bombs, drop drum, golden hammer

Luigi: same

Foreman Spike: push, best option for a gimmick character

Eggplant Man: run around

Gotchawrench: run around


Wrecking Crew





Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover the game's sequel, Wrecking Crew '98!

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