Monday, April 5, 2021

Character Sheet: Princess Shokora


Today, we include the new characters brought in by the Dr. Mario series. Two of these are original character variants from the Dr. Mario series itself. The other two are more characters that the series gave me pause to stop, look back at and reconsider my stance on them. They are:

1. Dr. Mario

2. Dr. Luigi

3. Rudy the Clown

4. Princess Shokora

Well, since I looked back at Rudy with the benefit of hindsight, I had figured it best to look at the other Wario Land game with no character representation yet, just to be absolutely sure. And guess what, lo and behold, I can piece together a pretty solid gimmick rep moveset for her too. Basically, Princess Shokora is a major ally from Wario Land 4 who guides Wario in the form of a cat, only to reveal herself as a princess under a curse from a powerful golden idol.

Here's what I've come up with:

Standard B: Arewo Shitain-hakase

This one is based on the little scientist guy, who apparently may or may not be Mad Scienstein, whose role in Wario Land 4 is basically just to be a walking projectile, akin to the Mr. Saturns. Shokora will pick him up and throw him.

Side B: Cat Attack

This one makes use of her cat form. Basically she will transform into a cat and launch herself at your face, clawing at you with her claws.

Up B: Vortex

This one is based on the vortices that take you between levels in the game. Basically, the vortex will open and Shokora will be warped to a point higher up.

Down B: Bomb Dash

This one is based on the mechanic of Wario activating a bomb and then having to dash back to the start of the level to escape. Basically Shokora will drop a bomb on the ground, and then she will have a brief burst of speed to get away from it before it explodes.

Final Smash: The Golden Diva

This incorporates the main villain of the game. Basically, the Golden Diva will rise up onto the stage and perform several of the attacks that she used against Wario and Shokora.

Entrance: She will descend from heaven the same way she ascended at the end of the game.

Taunts: Up, she will hold up one of the jewel pieces like Wario would. Side, one of those key birds will come out and flutter around her. Down, she will take her cat form and lick her paw for a second.

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's update our rosters!

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