Friday, April 16, 2021

Character Sheet: Mini Donkey Kong


Today, let's start our new characters. This time we have two. They are:

1. Mini Marios

2. Mini Donkey Kong

From the main protagonist to their arguable main rival among the series' enemies, Mini Donkey Kongs are a subspecies of enemies from the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series and occasionally playable in their own right. When playable, they are more often than not simply just another player. As enemies though, they tend to be much more varied. The most common are the circus kongs and the capture kongs, who will toss you into the air and grab you and trap you in their bag respectively, but other forms include one carrying a pair of cymbals that charges forward if it sees an opponent, another with a cannon body that shoots projectiles, another that acts as both a lift and Thwomp stand-in, and another with a giant tie that can carry players across gaps.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Cannon Kong

The large cannon body appears around the Mini, firing off a cannonball directly ahead. My first gut instinct was to do Circus Kong, but I feel like that fits really well as the up grab.

Side B: Crash

The Mini would pull out a pair of cymbals and drive forward at high speed, ramming into anyone in its way.

Up B: Konga

A Konga Lift will appear under the Kong, carrying them upward in a straight line. The Mini can then jump off if it wishes, but the Konga will linger for a second before slamming straight down.

Down B: Capture Kong

The Mini will grab a character and/or projectile and stuff it into a bag on its back. The character will be stuck there for a while before being able to break out.

Final Smash: Mecha-Kong

This one is based on the final boss battle from the original Mario vs. Donkey Kong game. The mech will appear behind the stage, piloted by the mini, and it will then proceed to slam its fists toward all players in the vicinity.

Entrance: It will pop out of a capsule just like the others.

Taunts: Up, it will juggle a few empty capsules. Side, it will lose power for a second before the key on its back starts up again. Down, it will display its Cool Kong, which will hang down slightly past the platform its standing on.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's add them to the roster!

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