Thursday, April 15, 2021

Character Sheet: Mini Marios


Today, let's start our new characters. This time we have two. They are:

1. Mini Marios

2. Mini Donkey Kong

First up, let's cover the Mini Marios, arguably the main characters of the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series. My concept for this character will be a multi-character, along the lines of Ice Climbers or Olimar (probably somewhere between the two), with a lead Mini and up to three following behind and mirroring its actions. Mini Peach, Mini Toad, and Mini-Spek will occasionally appear among the minis like they do in most of the games.

We have a few possibilities from their moveset. Springs, hammers, and cannons are their most frequent abilities, but in other games they can shoot fireballs, swing around on bars, wall jump, throw bombs, and use a bubble shield. We also have the various types of floors and ladders that are used frequently throughout the games as well to possibly consider.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Hammer

The lead mini will pull out its hammer and swing it around wildly for a few seconds, doing damage to any it hits.

Side B: Cannon

The lead mini will load one of its companions into a cannon and fire it off in an upward diagonal direction. The companion mini will act as a large projectile.

Up B: Spring

The lead mini will toss out a spring and then jump on it, launching itself high into the air at an arc. His companions will jump sequentially after him.

Down B: Bomb Block

This one makes use of the various floor mechanics from the games, specifically using the one that appeared in, I believe, Minis on the Move. The lead mini will place a bomb block down in the ground at its feet. Any who cross it will walk into a trap. I thought about a move to summon more minis, but I think I like the idea better that you start with the four, and any that get killed just respawn at starting point in their capsule and only become active when the lead mini passes that point.

Final Smash: Mini Wave

There's not really a whole lot to work with here, so I figured I could take a couple liberties. Basically, a containment unit will burst open, and hundreds of minis in their little capsules will spill out across the stage, washing all players off of it.

Entrance: The minis will pop out of their capsules.

Taunts: Up, the leader will toss one of its companions into the air. Side, the minis will wave at the player. Down, the minis will go dormant for a second.

Thanks for reading! Tomorrow, we will cover their mini-nemeses, the Mini Donkey Kongs!

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