Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Mario vs. Donkey Kong


And now, let's move on to the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series, a series of platforming puzzle games that pit the two iconic heroes against each other, introduces the Mini Marios, and acts as the connective thread keeping the character of Pauline on life support during the three-and-a-half long decades between Donkey Kong and Super Mario Odyssey.

The story centers around Mario having opened up a toy store selling tiny versions of himself (narcissistic much, Mario?) and Donkey Kong trying to get himself one only to find that they've been sold out, leading him to go on a rampage, break into the factory and steal all the toys, forcing Mario to go in after him. Obviously, Mario acts as your main playable character with the ability to jump, pick up items, use hammers, spin around on a bar, do a handstand to protect himself from falling items, climb on ropes, and pick up and throw enemies a la Super Mario Bros. 2. The Mini Marios will do more in later games, but for the time being, they just kinda follow you around after you rescue them.

Donkey Kong is the main boss and fights you at the end of every world. He has a bag he carries the toys around in, he throws rocks and barrels, pilots a giant mech, and hits buttons to activate traps. Outside of that, really the only major secondary characters here are the Toads who bought out the stock of toys before Donkey Kong could get there.

As for the enemies, we have several regulars such as: Shy Guys (including some who breathe fire, wield spears, and throw wrenches), Piranha Plants, Snapjaws, Ninjis, Thwomps and Thwimps, Ghost Guys, Boos, and Bob-Ombs, while more original enemies include birds that fly back and forth, walking trash cans, Brickmen that drop bricks on you, rhino-like Ramrams, robotic monkeys called Monchees and Robokikis with tails you can cling onto, and Sir Shovalot, a knight that pushes you with its shield. (Is it just me, or was that last one in Wario: Master of Disguise?)

In game, you chase Donkey Kong across six worlds, including: Mario Toy Company, the factory where the plot kicked off; Donkey Kong Jungle, a jungle world; Fire Mountain, a volcano world; Spooky House, a haunted house setting; Mystic Forest, a slightly more whimsical jungle setting; and Twilight City, an ultra-modern city world. There are also Plus versions of each world after the main game.

Items in the game include springs, hammers, special buttons, keys, and so on, a lot of things reminiscent of the original arcade games, to be honest.

Here's what we've got so far:


Mario: jump, handstand, hammer, climb, swing on bar, pick up and throw, springs

Donkey Kong: bag, rocks, barrels, chains, buttons, giant mech

Mini Marios

Shy Guy

Piranha Plant






Mario Toy Company

Donkey Kong Jungle

Fire Mountain

Spooky House

Mystic Forest

Twilight City





Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover the game's sequel, March of the Minis!

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