Friday, April 2, 2021

Character Sheet: Dr. Luigi


Today, we include the new characters brought in by the Dr. Mario series. Two of these are original character variants from the Dr. Mario series itself. The other two are more characters that the series gave me pause to stop, look back at and reconsider my stance on them. They are:

1. Dr. Mario

2. Dr. Luigi

3. Rudy the Clown

4. Princess Shokora

Next up, we have Dr. Luigi. I wasn't going to include him originally, considering all the million doctors featured in World, but looking back on it, I would say that Dr. Luigi's a special case, considering he has his own game, which continued as a minigame into Miracle Cure and World. He is merely an echo, just with slightly updated moves reflecting newer additions to the series.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: L-Shaped Megavitamin

More or less the same, but his vitamins will be L-shaped, which will heavily affect their bounce and will deal more damage in general.

Side B: Bottle

More or less the same here, I suppose.

Up B: Miracle Bomb

I figure that while Mario's miracle bomb was sort of a cross-shaped blast, we can branch out a bit with Luigi, having him do more of a full area-of-effect bomb that still launches him skyward.

Down B: Viruses

While Mario had the original three, Luigi will have the three that made their appearance in his own game, Dizzy, Confused, and Drowsy. Dizzy will make an opponent dizzy for a second, Confused will mess up their controls, and Drowsy will make them fall asleep.

Final Smash: Dr. Luigi

I want to possibly add an alternative here: a miracle cure, since that is a late-series addition and it would fit better here. However, I still prefer the stage closing in, viruses wreaking havoc, and Luigi's L-shaped pills dropping from the sky.

Entrance: Current Dr. Mario Smash entrance, but Luigi is a bit more surprised to be there.

Taunts: It could be fun if they were all slightly flubbed variants. Up, Luigi will flick a pill along his shoulder but accidentally drop it. Side, he'll start making a note and end up doodling. Down, he'll open a bottle and shake it, and a virus will actually drop out, scaring him for a second.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we're going way back in time to reconsider Wario Land 3's villain, Rudy the Clown.

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