Thursday, April 1, 2021

Character Sheet: Dr. Mario


Today, we include the new characters brought in by the Dr. Mario series. Two of these are original character variants from the Dr. Mario series itself. The other two are more characters that the series gave me pause to stop, look back at and reconsider my stance on them. They are:

1. Dr. Mario

2. Dr. Luigi

3. Rudy the Clown

4. Princess Shokora

First up, we have Dr. Mario. Now, the character is in Super Smash Bros. already, but for all intents and purposes is all but a clone of Mario. I think we can do better. I would rather create the character entirely built around inspiration from his games, and I think we can do it. First up, let's cover what we've got to work with. First off, we have the pills and the viruses, the core staples of the series. We also have the bottle I suppose, and then later we get the miracle cures and/or special moves from World. You know, I think I just might have it.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Megavitamin

This one will be more or less the same as it appears in Smash now. He will toss out a pill and it will bounce for a bit before hitting something. If we wanted to spice it up, we could make it so that more damage was done if the color of the pill hit something that matched its color, but I don't know how much of a headache that would be for the game's meta or anything like that.

Side B: Bottle

Dr. Mario will swipe out with a bottle, capturing and trapping a character inside it for a short time before they break out.

Up B: Miracle Bomb

This one is based on the most basic of Miracle Cures/special moves. Mario will place down a bomb as they appear in World, and it will detonate after a second, firing out a blast vertically and horizontally. The vertical blast will launch Mario skyward.

Down B: Viruses

This one makes use to the viruses, who sadly did not quite make it in themselves. Dr. Mario's will be based on Fever, Chill, and Weird, the original three. Dr. Mario will pull open a bottle and release a virus that will then attack the nearest opponent. They will function somewhat similar to Olimar's Pikmin. Fever will inflict fire damage, Chill will inflict ice, and Weird will make the character's controls go a little funny.

Final Smash: Dr. Mario

While I was tempted to use a Miracle Cure here, I'm rather more intrigued by the idea of turning the entire stage into a game of Dr. Mario. Invisible borders will appear around the edges of the stage, viruses will appear everywhere, wreaking havoc, while pills drop from the sky, doing serious damage any time they land.

Entrance: I guess the current Smash entrance is . . . fine. I can't really think of a better one.

Taunts: Up, Mario will flick a pill along his shoulder. Side, Mario will take down a note on his notepad. Down, Mario will open a bottle and shake it out, finding it empty.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll have his echo fighter: Dr. Luigi!

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