Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Dr. Mario


Freedom!!! Anyway, now on to the Dr. Mario series, a classic puzzle game series in the Mario franchise and originator of a certain alt version of Mario famous within Smash circles. The game is a pretty basic but fun game similar to Tetris, which sees a tall bottle full of viruses of different colors that you have to match up pills with to get rid of.

The game's story mostly followed that a contagious strain of viruses has broken loose from a lab ( . . . no comment) and Mario must take up the guise of a doctor and combat the viruses with his megavitamins. The characters mostly consist of Mario, or in this case Dr. Mario, and the three main types of viruses: Fever (Red), Chill (Blue), and Weird (Yellow). There's really not a whole lot more to say from there, but we'll get further in with the next few games.

Here's what we've got so far:


Dr. Mario: pills

Viruses: Fever, Chill, Weird


Pill Bottle



Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover Dr. Mario 64!

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