Thursday, March 4, 2021

Character Sheet: MC Ballyhoo & Big Top


So, we only have one newcomer today, who will join Koopa Kid, Tumble, and Brighton & Twila as individual reps for different aspects of the Mario Party series as a whole. Specifically, MC Ballyhoo and Big Top will represent the candy mechanic presented in, and only in, Mario Party 8, the game that they were the hosts of. Among these candies, there were four different variants: reds that influenced your dice rolls, greens that transformed the player for a very short time just to perform a specific action, yellows that transformed the player for the duration of their roll, and blues that would attack other players. The reds we probably don't have to worry about much, but for the record, one gives you an extra block, one gives you two, and one slows down your roll speed. The green candies turn the character into a spring, electrify the character to zap others, and turn the character into a vampire to drain coins from an opponent. Yellow candies turn the character into an 8-bit render of themselves that gives them a coin any time they jump, a tornado that sends opponents back to start, three mini-clones of themselves that mob an opponent to steal candy, and a ball. Finally, blue candies turn the character into a stone block of the character's head, a Bullet Bill, Bowser, and a fiery version of the character that challenges any opponent they come across to a duel. That's about it.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Cashzap Candy

MC Ballyhoo will become electrified for a short time and will zap anyone who he passes by, and drain a small bit of their HP, adding it to his own.

Side B: Bloway Candy

MC Ballyhoo will become a tornado and speed forward. Any character caught in the wind will be blown straight up into the air and have to come back down again.

Up B: Springo Candy

MC Ballyhoo will turn into a spring and spring straight up into the air.

Down B: Thwomp Candy

MC Ballyhoo will transform into a giant rock-version of his and Big Top's own head. This will act in a similar manner to Kirby's Stone ability

Final Smash: Duelo Candy

MC Ballyhoo will become fiery. They will be able to walk around the stage in that state until they encounter another player, at which point they will automatically challenge them to a short one-on-one minigame. If Ballyhoo wins the game, their opponent will be KO'd. If Ballyhoo loses, they . . . might be KO'd or they might simply have some significant drawback added. (We don't want the player to avoid using the Final Smash if they're afraid to take the chance, so I'm not sure there)

Entrance: MC Ballyhoo will appear in a burst of confetti.

Taunts: Up, Big Top will float up and swirl around playfully for a second. Side, Ballyhoo will check his mike, sound-checking it. Down, Ballyhoo and Big Top will turn into a ball.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's update the roster!

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