Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Dr. Mario 64


Today, let's go over Dr. Mario 64! Unlike most of the other Dr. Mario games, this one has a bit more of an in-depth story, following Dr. Mario and Wario through their own stories, as Dr. Mario tries to cure a cold epidemic in the Mushroom Kingdom, and Wario tries to steal his Megavitamins thinking he can make money off of them. (Hmm . . .) The gameplay is more or less the same as before, with the respective characters throwing megavitamins into a bottle and lining them up by color to eradicate the Chill, Fever, and Weird viruses.

Through the story, you follow Dr. Mario and Wario as they give chase to Mad Scienstein, who has stolen Mario's vitamins, leading them through a series of Wario Land 3 enemies, including: Spearhead, Webber, Silky, Jellybob, Helio, Hammerbot, Appleby, Octo, and Lump; finally leading up to a final battle with Rudy the Clown, now sized down to Mario and Wario-sized. And . . . huh . . . um, Rudy's reappearance has me looking back at Wario Land 3 . . . and maybe Wario Land 4 . . . and I, uh, may have to do something unorthodox when the character sheets come around. Stay tuned!

Here's what we've got so far!


Dr. Mario: pills, Metal

Wario: pills, Vampire

Viruses: Fever, Chill, Weird

Rudy: pills

Mad Scienstein: potions


Pill Bottle

Rudy's Castle



Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover Dr. Mario Online RX!

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