Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse


Next up is something of a spiritual successor to Kirby's Canvas Curse, with Kirby stuck in ball form the entire game, guided along by the player's stylus, except this time, the game's world is entirely in claymation. The story features all of the colors of Dream Land being stolen, only for Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee to be reawakened by a small color fairy named Elline.

Kirby is our main character, though technically the player controls Elline, who draws the lines that Kirby follows. She can also tap him to make him dash, and hold him to make him charge up and launch forward. She can also use easels to transform him into a tank, submarine, and rocket. Bandana Waddle Dee plays the player 2 character, attacking with his spear and sometimes throwing Kirby.

Claycia is the main villain and Elline's former friend. She will attack by throwing clay balls, creating enemies out of clay, crafting laser turrets, and punching with large fists. She also has her Grab Hands which occasionally stalk through the levels pursuing Kirby and his crew. She also can drain color from things. She turns out to be corrupted by a being called Dark Crafter. Dark Crafter mostly flees from Kirby while throwing bombs, but occasionally spins to get faster.

Our other bosses include Whispy Woods, who can drop bombs and gains a metal coating now; Hooplagoon, a giant round thing that shoots lasers; and the Claykken, a giant squid that attacks with tentacles and jets after you with his ink. Our returning enemies include Blado, Blipper, Bouncy, Bronto Burt, Gordo, Hothead, Sawgill, and Soarar, joining the originals Cotta (with cannons, a helmet, a drill, a mech, and spears) Barampa, Bastron, Bombzway, Bronto Knight, Bzztbulb, Carpa, Clay Ball, Crabbo, Danglesloth, Deepsee, Dethskullk, Explortle, Grindarr, Grinkey, Shieldster, Shockcreepa, Sportle, Sportetini, Thornsby, Trakker, and Warpspace.

The game takes place in Seventopia, a world created by Claycia, including the generic Green Valley, the desert Yellow Dunes, the sea Indigo Ocean, the sky Blue Sky Palace, the forest Orange Woodland, the volcanic Red Volcano, and the final world Purple Fortress.

Here's what we've got so far:


Kirby: ball, Balloon, Beam, Burning, Crash, Freeze, Missile, Needle, Spark, Stone, Tornado, Wheel

Kirby Mass: latch, pummel, toss, star, drag in a line, flick

King Dedede: minecart, hot-air balloon, bombs

Meta Knight: flaming sword

Bandana Waddle Dee: spear, jump, throw Kirby


Prince Fluff: yarn whip, ball of yarn, car, parachute, pendulum, spinning top, snake, submarine, weight, digger, dolphin, fire engine, off-roader, rocket, saucer, surfboard, starship, tank-bot, train

Elline: draw lines, Star Dash, tank, submarine, rocket

Waddle Dee: fluff, spear, balloon, bow and arrow, parasol, car

Waddle Doo

Drawcia: paint curse, turn you into ball, summon enemies, energy orbs, dive, Drawcia Soul

Yin Yarn: knitting needles, enemies of yarn, unravel, giant curtain, beam of yarn magic, soochers, tank

Necrodeus: split, pound, clamp, energy beams, Skullions, flaming crossbones

Claycia: clay balls, clay enemies, laser turrets, large fists, Grab Hands, drain color

Dark Crafter: bombs, spin

Whispy Woods: bombs, metal coating

Kracko: meteor

Paint Roller: draw

Fangora: breathe fire, long tongue, gusts of air, slam down

Hot Wings: fire, smaller versions

Squashini: hat trick, card trick, cloth trick, final trick

Capamari: tentacles, ink, Octopeas

Wicked Willow: spores

Lady Ivy



Claykken: tentacles, ink jet

Soldier/Mariner: cannon, spear, sword, call for backup

Cotta: cannon, helmet, drill, mech, spear, King









Reddy Land

Arange Gorge

Iello Adventure

Neo Greo

Bloo Hills

Omarine Zone

Wonder Lilane

World of Drawcia

Quilty Square

Grass Land

Hot Land

Treat Land

Water Land

Snow Land

Space Land

Dream Land

Green Grounds

Sandy Canyon

Dedede Resort

Volcano Valley

Necro Nebula


Green Valley

Yellow Dunes

Indigo Ocean

Blue Sky Palace

Orange Woodland

Red Volcano

Purple Fortress

Thanks for reading! Next up, another character update, I think.

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