Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Kirby's Block Ball


Kirby's Block Ball is a clone of the game Breakout, sorta like Pong but using the ball and paddles to break through a series of blocks to get at a target on the other side. Kirby is the ball here, with Burn, Needle, Spark, and Stone acting as powerups to help him take out more blocks. A lot of the standard enemies act as the target for each round, with a big Cappy, Squishy, and Kabu, Poppy Bros. Sr., Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright, Mr. Frosty, Kracko, Whispy Woods, a newcomer named Brobo (who throws his exploding hands at you), and King Dedede all act as bosses.

And that's pretty much it! Here's what we've got so far:



King Dedede

Whispy Woods


Poppy Bros.

Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright

Brobo: maybe gimmick rep? Is there enough for that?


Waddle Dee

Waddle Doo



Whispy Woods Land

Kracko Land

Poppy Bros. Sr. Land

King Dedede's board

Dream Course

Kirby's Avalanche

Block Ball Arena

Thanks for reading! Up next, a game you might have played assuming you had a Super Famicom in Japan in February of 1996.

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