Monday, March 4, 2024

Kirby's Epic Yarn


Kirby's Epic Yarn started out as an entirely original game starring Prince Fluff before it was turned into a Kirby game. It features Kirby trapped inside a magic sock and turned into yarn, becoming friends with a prince there and working together to escape from the sock.

Kirby is, of course, the main playable character, with Prince Fluff as our player two (and our obvious gimmick rep). In place of an inhale ability, Kirby and Fluff use a yarn whip to lasso enemies and unravel them into balls of yarn that they can then use as projectiles or to transform. The transformations include a car, parachute, pendulum, spinning top, snake, submarine, and weight, as well as bigger "Metamortex" transformations including digger, dolphin, fire engine, off-roader, rocket, saucer, surfboard, starship, tank-bot, and train.

King Dedede and Meta Knight both end up getting pulled into the sock as well and "brainwashed" using puppet strings. Both fight about how they typically fight, Meta Knight gaining a flaming sword. Yin Yarn is the main villain, a yarn wizard with two knitting needles that turn out to be his true self. He can create enemies out of yarn, unravel a person into yarn, drop a giant curtain, cast a beam of yarn magic, and turn into a tank.

Other bosses include Fangora, a dragon with breathes fire, attacks with his long tongue, blows gusts of air, and flies up to slam down; Hot Wings, a phoenix that breathes fire and sends out smaller versions of herself; Squashini, a magician who hides in one of three hats, tosses card, balances bombs on a red cloth, and ties Kirby to a bomb in an unseen cutscene; and Capamari is an octopus wearing a squid cap who attacks with tentacles, ink, and babies called Octopeas.

The mini-bosses include Blast Mariner, who shoots missiles; Combo Cannon; Gate Core; Space Kracko, a version of Kracko that also shoots meteors; Whispy Woods; and Wicked Willow, a dark tree that shoots spores. Our enemies include Waddle Dee (with balloons, bows and arrows, parasols, spears, and driving cars), Waddle Doo, Amprey, Anemonee, Battin, Blipper, Bobber Clod, Boinger, Bomber, Bronto Burt, Buttonbee, Buttonbug, Buttonfly, Calderon, Candlemander, Chilly, Cutfish, Cyclod, Dandan, Danglerfish, Dropso, Emba, Embaconda, Embird, Freezo, Gator, Gordo, Grizzo, Jelly Jr., Magmotamus, Mariner, Octopea, Ooki, Orbitfly, Rolling Clod, Sawgill, Scarfy, Sea Jelly, Shelby, Slobba, Sneak Sack, Snip-Snap, Soldier, Soocher, Space Jelly, Spore Jelly, Sulkworm, Stogue, Swadclod, Twiggy Woods, UFO, and Uniclod.

The stages on this game are Quilty Square, a sort of hubworld with a handful of NPCs giving out sidequests; the generic Grass Land; the volcanic Hot Land, Treat Land made entirely of candy; the beachy Water Land; the icy Snow Land; the interstellar Space Land, and finally Dream Land, outside of the sock.

Here's what we've got so far:


Kirby: ball, Balloon, Beam, Burning, Crash, Freeze, Missile, Needle, Spark, Stone, Tornado, Wheel

Prince Fluff: yarn whip, ball of yarn, car, parachute, pendulum, spinning top, snake, submarine, weight, digger, dolphin, fire engine, off-roader, rocket, saucer, surfboard, starship, tank-bot, train

King Dedede: minecart

Meta Knight: flaming sword

Waddle Dee: fluff, spear, balloon, bow and arrow, parasol, car

Waddle Doo

Drawcia: paint curse, turn you into ball, summon enemies, energy orbs, dive, Drawcia Soul

Yin Yarn: knitting needles, enemies of yarn, unravel, giant curtain, beam of yarn magic, soochers, tank

Whispy Woods

Kracko: meteor

Paint Roller: draw

Fangora: breathe fire, long tongue, gusts of air, slam down

Hot Wings: fire, smaller versions

Squashini: hat trick, card trick, cloth trick, final trick

Capamari: tentacles, ink, Octopeas

Wicked Willow: spores

Soldier/Mariner: cannon, spear, sword, call for backup









Reddy Land

Arange Gorge

Iello Adventure

Neo Greo

Bloo Hills

Omarine Zone

Wonder Lilane

World of Drawcia

Quilty Square

Grass Land

Hot Land

Treat Land

Water Land

Snow Land

Space Land

Dream Land

Thanks for reading! Next up, as King Dedede might say: "This is getting out of hand. Now, there are ten of them."

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