Friday, March 8, 2024

Kirby's Pinball Land


A natural and obvious go-to spinoff for a Kirby game, Kirby's Pinball Land does exactly what you expect. Let you play pinball using Kirby as the ball. The game has four different table layouts, each based around a different boss: Whispy Woods Land, Kracko Land, Poppy Bros. Sr. Land, and then finally King Dedede's board for the final battle. Most of the regular enemy faces make some form of cameo across the different boards.

And that's about it! Here's what we've got so far:



King Dedede

Whispy Woods


Poppy Bros.


Whispy Woods Land

Kracko Land

Poppy Bros. Sr. Land

King Dedede's board

Thanks for reading! That was easy. But then, most of this batch should flow like a Dream, of Course.

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