Saturday, March 16, 2024

Kirby Air Ride


Now, here's a game that my brother and I actually owned, but apparently, we f*ed something up, because the only thing we could figure out to do on it was City Trial, and after wandering around that for hours, we were like "this is really boring. Where's all the stuff to do? We're just wandering around an empty city. The box said it was a racing game." I don't know what happened. Clearly we did something wrong or we just had a faulty disc.

Kirby Air Ride is a racing game with three main modes. Air Ride is the standard 3D kart-racing level, where you ride around on Warpstars and such against mostly other Kirbys, plus King Dedede and Meta Knight as unlockables. Copy Abilities act as your "items" for the kart-racing, with Bomb letting you throw bombs, Fire letting you toss fireballs, Freeze surrounding you in an ice barrier, Mike is basically the music box, Plasma lets you shoot electric beams, Sleep puts Kirby to sleep, Sword gives you a sword to attack with, Tornado gives you an added spin, Wheel turns you into a wheel, and Wing gives you the ability to fly.

The stages include the generic Fantasy Meadows, the scenic Celestial Valley, the desert Sky Sands, the icy Frozen Hillside, the volcanic Magma Flows, the high-tech Machine Passage, the sky Beanstalk Park, the castle Checker Knights, and the space Nebula Belt.

Top Ride sets you in top-down races, set on a Grass, Sand, Sky, Fire, Light, Water, and Metal track. Then City Trial is a city you can roam around in, collecting various new items and things and various little sidequests to perform. Dynablade appears here. I should also mention the Dragoon and Hydra, a couple of special vehicles you have to assemble to unlock. Several standard enemies crop up as cameos across these three modes.

Here's what we've got so far:



King Dedede

Whispy Woods


Poppy Bros.

Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright

Brobo: maybe gimmick rep? Is there enough for that?


Waddle Dee

Waddle Doo


Wheelie: air ride gimmick rep? (Let's be real, if there was ever a game they could be a gimmick rep for . . .)




Whispy Woods Land

Kracko Land

Poppy Bros. Sr. Land

King Dedede's board

Dream Course

Kirby's Avalanche

Block Ball Arena

Star Stacker Stage

Tilt 'n' Tumble Stage

Fantasy Meadows

Celestial Valley

Sky Sands

Frozen Hillside

Magma Flows

Machine Passage

Beanstalk Park

Checker Knights

Nebula Belt

Top Ride

City Trial




Thanks for reading! Mmm, I think I'm ready for some dessert.

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