Friday, April 29, 2022

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword seems to be generally the least well-liked of the 3D Zeldas, mostly due to its motion control problem, but as far as story and visuals go, it’s pretty much fantastic just like the rest. The story takes place hundreds of years before every other game in the franchise, and depicts the founding of Hyrule as we know it, the story following a young Link and Zelda, two friends growing up on a floating island called Skyloft, before Zelda is swept up in a hurricane and falls to the surface world.

Our Link is your pretty standard “Adult Link” type, so I probably won’t worry too much about him and look at the gimmick reps, but he is seen wielding a sword and shield to perform a spin attack and a fatal blow. He also carries a sail cloth that allows him to float down safely and rise on vents, a slingshot, a flying robotic beetle, a bug net, bombs, a bellows full of winds, a harp, a scale from a water dragon to be able to swim, a whip, claw shots, and earrings that protect from fire. He also wields the Skyward Sword for most of the game, a blessed sword that will soon become the Master Sword, and is guided by the sword’s spirit Fi, who, being said sword spirit, can take up every major sword-based move in the game, including the skyward strike and dowsing, and she can also float, dance around to reveal a prophecy, summon sacred flames, and create a tablet.

Princess Zelda is not quite a princess yet, but we do see her using a harp, a sail cloth, sealing herself away, and flying on a Loftwing just like Link. Another notable element of this game is the flying element, where individuals raised on Skyloft are bonded to a giant bird called a Loftwing that they can use to get around. There’s not too much to their mechanic as they just fly, can go through boost areas to speed up, and can perform a spiral charge to attack.

We have quite a few supporting characters throughout the game. First up, we have various NPCs around Skyloft, most notably Link and Zelda’s classmates at the academy, such as the bully Groose, his cronies Cawlin and Stritch, the nervous kid Fledge, and so on. Anyone who knows anything about the game knows that Groose is the best, and is easily first pick to take on pretty much everything to do with Skyloft life, such as the Loftwings, the sailcloth, their love of pumpkins and so on (as well as his Groosinator machine built to fight the Imprisoned). Other notable individuals around Skyloft include Zelda’s father Gaepora, the merchant Beedle with a flying shop now (and a trapdoor for anyone who tries to leave without buying anything), a friendly monster named Batreaux, a father and daughter working at a pumpkin-themed restaurant, and a giant flying whale named Levias.

Once down on the surface, you meet a few more major NPCs. First off, Zelda is constantly in the company of this game’s version of Impa, who is seen producing a magic shield at one point, and an old woman hanging around the Sealed Grounds, later revealed to be Impa thousands of years older. Each of the three major areas of the surface world all come with their own species inhabiting them. Faron Woods features both timid plant creatures called Kikwis and sea horse things called Parella, neither of which do much. Eldin Volcano features the Mogma, friendly moles that burrow, roll and throw bomb flowers, use steam vent, and have specialized mitts for digging holes and moving through underground tunnels. Lanayru Desert features a race of long-extinct ancient robots, brought back to life by Timeshift Stones, who use their technology to mine, with large digging claws, minecarts, propellers to fly, special boats, cannons, orbs to enact time shifts, and the ability to upgrade items. One named Scrapper becomes important to your ability to complete sidequests. Three dragons inhabit the three regions, and a handful of Gorons are seen wandering all three areas, a researcher named Gorko being the most prominent.

For most of the game, our main villain is Ghirahim, a mysterious, flamboyant man pursuing Zelda and Impa. During his various battles, he wields a sword, teleports, uses two fingers to block your attacks, fires multiple darts in various formations, charges at you, slashes downward, strikes downward, creates barriers, summons other enemies, raises a platform off the ground, summons a block, shoots lightning from his hands, creates a circle of fire, and performs a spell to resurrect his master. In the end, he is revealed to be a sword spirit just like Fi, the sword of an ancient and powerful demon named Demise. For most of the game, Demise is a mindless monster called the Imprisoned, but once freed, he takes on a more humanoid form, and fights you with a sword, controlling wind, summoning a dark portal, blocking your strikes with his sword, shooting lightning, and throwing a disc of lightning.

Outside of Ghirahim and Demise, your bosses include: Scaldera, a walking fireball thing that rolls and shoots fire; Moldarach, basically a giant scorpion; Koloktos, a giant mechanical being with six arms bearing swords; Tentalus, a Kraken-esque sea monster; and Bilocyte, a parasite driving Levias mad. A robotic Stalfos-ish pirate captain also acts as a mini-boss, attacking you with an electric rod and hook.

Returning enemies include: Chuchus, Deku Babas, Bokoblins (with cleavers, maces, and boulders), Deku Sprouts, Skulltulas, Stalfos (some with multiple arms), Octoroks that can fly, Lizalfos (with arm guards and club tails), special future-tech themed Armos and Beamos (with flying variants called Sentrobes), and Moblins with spears and giant shields. New enemies include: pooping birds called Guays, skeletal dragons called Staldras, fire-breathing monkeys called Pyrups, huge bloated lava fish called Spumes, electric hermit crabs called Ampilus, high-tech variants of Bokoblins called Technoblins, little scorpions called Aracha, flying pufferfish called Froaks, living statues called Guardians, and basically Fenghuang birds called Furnix.

As for our stages, there’s not all that much variety this time around, with all the action taking place in the sky or the three main areas of the surface. In the sky, notable areas include Skyloft, the Lumpy Pumpkin, the Thunderhead, and the final temple, Sky Keep. Faron Woods features the Sealed Grounds where Demise is trapped, the Skyview Temple, Lake Floria, and the Ancient Cistern. Eldin Volcano features the Earth Temple and the Fire Sanctuary at the summit. And the Lanayru Desert features an ancient mining facility, as well as a sea of sand that was once a vast ocean, with a crashed pirate ship called the Sand Ship. At certain points in the game, you can also travel into the Silent Realm to complete an important task.

All items as previously listed above.

Here's everything we've got so far:


Link: Master Sword, Hylian Shield, Epona, Iron Boots, Megaton Hammer, Pegasus Boots, bombs, fire arrows, ice arrows, light arrows, hookshot, boomerang, bombchu, lens of truth, climb, slingshot, fish, falcon, Wind Boomerang, Magnet Boots, Fish Bomb, Clawshot, Spinner, Ball and Chain, Dominion Rod, fatal blow, sail cloth, vents, slingshot, beetle, bug net, gust bellows, harp, dragon scale, whip, claw shots, Loftwing

Young Link: jumping, rolling, crawling, Kokiri Sword, Deku shield, Epona, slingshot, Deku stick, bomb flowers, hookshot, boomerang, bombchu, Navi, lens of truth, mirror shield, travel back in time three days, slow time, song of soaring, song of storms, song of awakening, bunny hood, camera, heartless soldier, masks, Fierce Deity Mask

Toon Link: sword, shield, horizontal and vertical slices, thrust, spin attack, telescope, bag for spoils, bombs, grappling hook, Deku Leaf, boomerang, skull hammer, fire and ice arrows, iron boots, power bracelets, mirror shield, hide in barrels, wind waker, change winds, tornado

Wolf Link: growl, dig, bite, warp, rage, stick torch, howl, Kargarok

Princess Zelda: Zelda's Lullaby, jewel, light arrows, remove bars, spell of light, seal Ganon, sword, heal, Triforce blast, float, tennis match, harp, sail cloth, seal herself, Loftwing

Sheik: Zelda's Lullaby, Sun Song, Song of Storms, Song of Time, Epona's Song, Saria's Song, warp songs, disappear, leap, harp

Tetra: cutlass, blunderbuss, cannonballs, raising platforms, rope swinging, spoils bag, catapult, bombs, arrows of light.

King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule: boat form, sail, cannon, grappling anchor, tornado warp.

Impa: disappear, Zelda's lullaby, Lens of Truth, magic shield, old and young

Midna: leap, cast energy balls, teleport, grab things, warp, float, shapeshift, shadow, warp objects, Kargarok, stab, monstrous form, Twili form, tear

 Hero’s Shade: finishing blow, shield attack, back slice, helm splitter, mortal draw, jump strike, great spin, wolf form

Fi: skyward strike, dowsing, float, dance, sacred flames, tablet, other sword abilities

Groose: Loftwings, sailcloth, pumpkins, slingshot, Groosinator

Saria/Kokiri: Deku Sticks, Deku Nuts, Deku Sprouts, Great Deku Tree, Saria's song, slingshot, Mido

Darunia/Darmani/Darbus/Goron: rolling, defensive curl, strength, bomb flowers, hammer, dance, punch, ground pound, roll, drums, powder keg

Ruto/Mikau/Ralis/Zora: swim, dive, high speed swim, punch, fin blades, guitar, blue shield

Nabooru/Gerudo: twin blades, guard, spear, Iron Knuckle

Deku Scrub: launch from flower, fly with flowers, shoot bubbles, Deku Nut, spin dance, pipes

Medli/Rito: fly, lyre, reflect light, grappling hook, Valoo

Makar/Korok: violin, spinning leaf, plant a tree, spitting flowers, Deku Leaves, Deku Nuts

Mogma: burrow, bomb flowers, steam vent, mole mitts, iron mitts

Ancient Robot: Timeshift Stones, digging claws, minecarts, propellers, boats, cannons, time shift orbs, upgrade

Happy Mask Salesman: draw in fairies, make chicks follow, milk bar, past Garos, Stalchildren, past Gibdos and ReDeads, become a giant, see hearts, detect smells, lead frogs, summon a Keaton, song of healing, shake

Ilia/Colin/Rusl/Malo/Talo/Beth/Bo: bow, slingshot, falcon, epona, sumo wrestling, cuccos


Tingle: balloon, maps, magic dust, Tingle Tracker

Beedle: ship

Aryll: telescope

Great Fairy: Din's Fire, Farore's Wind, Nayru's Love, magical power, sword, spin attack, heal, expand pouch

Malon: Epona, Epona's song, Cuccos, Lon Lon Milk, bow

Dampe: dig, float, fire

Kafei: push

Yeto/Yeta: punch, sled, cannons, stew, rise, icy wind, ice chunks

Monkeys: clear smoke, climbing, swinging their companions, give a boost, forming chains, dark boomerang, pillars

Ganondorf: horse, blast of light, waves of darkness, ground pound, ball of lightning, horse, lightning, elbow strike

Toon Ganondorf: twin swords, slash, multi-attack, block, lunge, swoop forward, punch, dodge

Phantom Ganon: ride horse, float, lightning tennis

Beast Ganon: two giant swords, barrier of fire, charge, teleport, body slam

Skull Kid: dance, steal, float, curses, call down the moon, Tatl and Tael, warp, puppets

Majora: spins, tentacles, summon masks, laser beam, weird dance, long tentacles, top

Zant: wave of light, ball of red energy, telekinesis, shadow stone, twilight sword, Zant Heads, create portals, twilight bats, giant hands, phantom form, teleport, shadow balls, spin, fly, alter the world, twin blades

Ghirahim: sword, teleports, two finger block, darts, charge, slash downward, downward strike, barriers, summon enemies, platform, block, lightning hands, circle of fire, spell to resurrect

Demise: Imprisoned, sword, wind, dark portal, block, lightning, disc of lightning.

Pirate captain: electric rod, hook

King Bulblin: Lord Bulbo, horns, axe, summon twilight, horn, other Bulblins

Gohma: climbs, drops eggs, lava, bite, lasers, baby Gohmas

Dodongo: dig, leap, breathe fire, roll around, swallow bombs

Kotake and Koume/Twinrova: quicksand, fly around on brooms, fire and ice magic, combine.

Dark Link

Iron Knuckle/Darknut: giant axe, slam, collapsing pillars, broadswords, shields, spears, punch, sword, second sword, mace

Stalfos: stalchildren, kick, sword, shield, dust breath, floating head, mace, multiple arms

Poe: disappearing, throwing flames, spinning with lanterns, paintings, puzzle blocks, illusions, curse, Jalhalla, scythe, blue fire

Armos: Beamos, lasers, sentrobes, maybe Dominion Rod

Octoroks: Big Octo, spit rocks, projectiles, tentacles, whirlpools, fly

Moblins: charge with spears, clubs shockwaves, spears, Helmarocs, giant shields

Deku Baba: crawl, hang upside down, Mini Baba, Boko Baba, Big Baba, Baba Serpent, Diababa

Deku Scrub: hide, shoot Deku Nuts, merchants


Lizalfos/Dinolfos/Aeralfos: jump, swords, breathe fire, fly, arm guard, club tail


Wizzrobe: teleport, spell of ice, staff, fireballs, fire spell, summon ally


Chuchu: hopping, dropping from the ceiling, sparking with electricity, turning to stone

Gekko: punch, hop, ride a Snapper, Mad Jelly

Garo: hop, attack with swords, pop out of ground, barrier of fire, flaming swords, leap high

Bokoblins: clubs, swords, shields, broadswords, Helmarocs, burst from pots, cleaver, mace, boulder, technoblins



Bulblins: hogs, arrows, clubs, set fires, Kargaroks (maybe King Bulbin and regular Bulblin as echoes?)

Shadow Beasts: grab, claw






Phantom Ganon



Bongo Bongo


Beast Ganon





Helmaroc King

Kalle Demos









The Imprisoned







Lost Woods

Kokiri Village

Hyrule Field

Lon Lon Ranch

Hyrule Castle

Castle Town

Temple of Time

Kakariko Village

Death Mountain

Zora's Domain

Lake Hylia

Gerudo Valley

Great Deku Tree

Dodongo's Cavern

Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly

Forest Temple

Fire Temple

Water Temple

Shadow Temple

Spirit Temple

Ganon's Castle

Clock Town

Termina Field



Great Bay


Inside the Moon

Great Sea

Outset Island

Pirate Ship

Forsaken Fortress

Windfall Island

Dragon Roost Island

Forest Haven

Great Fish Island

Tower of the Gods

Earth Temple

Wind Temple

Kingdom of Hyrule

Ganon’s Tower

Faron Woods

Eldin Volcano

Lanayru Desert

Ordon Village

Bridge of Eldin

Goron Mines

Arbiter’s Grounds

Snowpeak Ruins

Hidden Village

City in the Sky

Palace of Twilight

Twilight Realm


Lumpy Pumpkin


Sky Keep

Sealed Grounds

Skyview Temple

Lake Floria

Ancient Cistern

Earth Temple

Fire Sanctuary

Lanayru Mining Facility

Lanayru Sand Sea

Sand Ship

Silent Realm

Thanks for reading! Next up, we finish things off with Breath of the Wild!

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