Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Character Sheet: Nightmare


Today, we begin our very first run of Legend of Zelda character sheets, figuring out just what kind of movesets we can pull from all these characters and building a roster. For the moment, we have about fourteen:

1. Link

2. Dark Link

3. Princess Zelda (Currently honorary)

4. Marin

5. Sahasrahla

6. Old Man

7. Hylian Soldier

8. Ganon

9. Agahnim

10. Nightmare

11. Moblin

12. Stalfos

13. Vire/Keese

14. Thunderbird

Today, we will cover Nightmare, the main villain of Link's Awakening and a nightmare spawned from the Wind Fish's dreams that was causing havoc all over the island. His battle took multiple forms, including a basic blob, a spellcaster form, a lanmola and moldorm form, and a Ganon form, before taking on his standard two-armed shape. Across these forms, he was shown hopping around, firing off bursts of shadow, throwing giant orbs of light, summoning monsters to fight for him, and swinging around his big arms.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Shadow Burst

He will take on his spellcaster form and cast a burst of shadow energy, probably similar in look and action to Ness's PK flash.

Side B: Lanmola

He will lunge forward in his Lanmola form, digging in and out of the ground and doing damage wherever he hits.

Up B: Blob Form

He will launch into the around, curling up into his large blob form before slamming down, kinda similar to moves like King Dedede's Up B.

Down B: Enemy Summon

He will summon enemies made of shadow (probably smaller ones like Moldorms, Pols Voices, or Leevers) and send them forward to attack.

Final Smash: Nightmare Tremble

Basically, he will cause the Wind Fish to tremble in his sleep from the nightmare, causing the stage to rumble, shadow enemies to emerge and lightning to strike the stage.

Entrance: He will form from pure shadow.

Taunts: Up, he will rise up into the shadowy form of Ganon for a second. Side, he will stretch his arms out wide and spin. Down, he will melt into shadow once again.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Ganon's main minions, the Moblins!

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