Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Character Sheet: Moblin


Today, we begin our very first run of Legend of Zelda character sheets, figuring out just what kind of movesets we can pull from all these characters and building a roster. For the moment, we have about fourteen:

1. Link

2. Dark Link

3. Princess Zelda (Currently honorary)

4. Marin

5. Sahasrahla

6. Old Man

7. Hylian Soldier

8. Ganon

9. Agahnim

10. Nightmare

11. Moblin

12. Stalfos

13. Vire/Keese

14. Thunderbird

Right from the get-go, the first and foremost minion of Ganon and core enemy throughout the series are the Moblins. Starting life as large anthropomorphic bulldogs, they would eventually take more of a pig form to be more in keeping with their boss Ganon. They would also be replaced in a way by their smaller cousins, the Bokoblins, making Moblins more the elite warriors to the Bokoblin grunts, sorta like the Uruk-hai to the Orcs if you will.

So far we only have a few actions of note, but enough, and we all know that the list will only keep growing in future games, so I'd say we've crossed the playable threshold. Their main weapon is their large spears, which they throw in some games, and charge with in others. They are also seen wielding tridents, just like their master, and have also taken up the sword and shield on occasion. Some even set up a keep in Link's Awakening with a big boss at the end.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Trident Throw

Based on both the trident weapon and the weapon throw they frequently employ, the playable Moblin will throw its trident as a projectile, skewering opponents from across the stage.

Side B: Spear Charge

Probably most well known from Ocarina of Time, but seen in other games as well, the Moblin will charge forward with its spear down, dealing damage and forcing players off the stage.

Up B: Helmaroc Drop

Unfortunately not a whole lot of aerial maneuvers seen yet, but luckily I am familiar enough with our upcoming games to know of at least one option to make use of. A Helmaroc will pick up the Moblin, carry it high into the air, and then airdrop it.

Down B: Heavy Shield

Somewhat seen already, but for sure more prominent in games like Skyward Sword, the Moblin will pull out a heavy shield that will form an impenetrable wall in front of it and protect it from harm.

Final Smash: Horde Rush

Hmm, now here's an interesting one. The first thing that comes to mind is the whole "Lookout blows horn, then a horde of enemies rush the enemy." That's more specifically a Bokoblin thing, but it still works for Moblins. Hmm. You know what? Let's do it.

Entrance: The Moblin will pace back and forth for a second like its been patrolling.

Taunts: Up, it will blow a horn to sound an alarm. Side, it will do a pace back and forth with its spear out. Down, it will doze for a second before being awoken from its sleep.

Thanks for reading! Next up, one of my favorite enemy types, the Stalfos!

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