Tuesday, April 16, 2024

It's Kirby Time


It's Kirby Time is a series of ten books published starting in 2019. They are all simple picture books similar in nature to, say, Good Night Moon and other such books you'd read to your child good night. Apparently, they're marketed to adults, but are clearly for children, so I don't know. They're very wholesome and simple, and really don't have any newcomers. You can find readings of most of them on YouTube.

Here's what we've got so far:


Marona: cakes, cookbook, destroy

Baron Gallic: Malice Stone, throwing knives, airship

Moa: sword, broom, controller

Director Kane: Susie or Haltmann echo?

Tron: camera, printer, clone, Battle Royale echo

Pirika: dreamstalk, mind control, fruit, fly

Beryl: Meta Knight echo?


There's possibilities, I guess.

Maybe one for this could be cute.

Thanks for reading! Next up, hope we're ready for some 4-Koma fun.

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