Monday, April 22, 2024

Find Kirby!!


Have you ever read a Where's Waldo? book? Yeah, it's that, but you're looking for a tiny pink ball instead of a dude in a red-and-white-striped shirt. There's been three in the series so far. And that's really all I've got to say.

Here's what we've got so far:


Marona: cakes, cookbook, destroy

Baron Gallic: Malice Stone, throwing knives, airship

Moa: sword, broom, controller

Director Kane: Susie or Haltmann echo?

Tron: camera, printer, clone, Battle Royale echo

Pirika: dreamstalk, mind control, fruit, fly

Beryl: Meta Knight echo?


There's possibilities, I guess.

Maybe one for this could be cute.

Strange Sweets Island?

Does make me wonder what a Where's Waldo stage would entail.

Thanks for reading! Next up, perhaps a book for Kirby's 20th anniversary. I mean, eleven years late, but still.

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