Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Character Sheet: Kid


Today, let's go over our two newcomers from the golf series. It was a little difficult this time, as with the tennis reps, I just split it up by game, with Alex & Nina representing the first and Ace & Clay representing the second. This time however, we have three groups of characters, all from different games, but I have no desire to go past a single echo fighter limit. I feel if I did that, there'd be no point to any of this. So, I opted this time to divide them up by the console characters from the N64 game, and the characters from the handhelds. Neil and Ella from the second handheld are basically just new members of the same group anyway, so it works.

1. Plum

2. Kid

So, today, we will be covering the characters from the handheld games, both the Game Boy Color version, as well as Advance Tour, as most of the characters appear in both. If we don't go past eight color swaps, then it will be the starter playable characters from both: Kid, Sherry, Joe, and Azalea, alongside Neil and Ella, with a couple of other color swaps. If we are willing to break past, then we will include Putts, Grace, Tiny, and Gene Yuss as well. As this is an echo, I guess we don't have anything else to talk about.

Here's the moveset I came up with!

Standard B: Fore!

Pretty much the same, probably quite different in the stats department.

Side B: Flag

Also the same, probably different flags and such.

Up B: Tornado

We could change it up and use the coin tornado that appeared in the Game Cube game.

Down B: Sandtrap

We could go Rough on this one instead of Sandtrap if we wanted to mix it up.

Final Smash: Golf Club

Whether we only have the six or the full ten, all ten will appear on stage and perform the move as described previously.

Entrance: The character will come out and set up their tee.

Taunts: Up, the character will hold pull a club from their bag and look it over. Side, the character will spin the club lazily like a cane. Down, the character will turn a ball over in their hands as if studying the dimples.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's update the roster!

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