Saturday, December 19, 2020

Character Sheet: Peachette


Now that we've covered all of the secondary Mario Kart titles, let's get into our two new characters added to the roster this time around. One is much like Waluigi last time in that they are being covered here mainly because it's our first time actually seeing them in this blog, and the other is more directly based on the games covered. They are:

1. Peachette

2. Robo Mario

Ah, Peachette. The spawner of a million eye-bleach-inducing memes revolving around the implications of her origins. Peachette first appeared in New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe as a new powerup for Toadette that basically turned her into Princess Peach. Of course, the internet being the internet, it took that idea and ran with it, but we won't be covering THAT particular fan character today. (We might someday, I don't know how long it would take for this series to eventually delve into meme culture, but we'll see when the time comes). As it stands, Peachette will act as an echo for Peach, but Toadette will be able to transform into her, so there's not much need to discuss any sort of moves.

Here is her moveset (this will also update Peach slightly):

Standard B: Group Hug
Based on Super Mario RPG

Side B: Heart
Based on Princess Peach's special move in Double Dash. It will steal items from others.

Up B: Parasol

Down B: Parasol Shield
Or a transforming move to revert to Toadette

Final Smash: Psych Bomb
You know, I'm really tempted to toss in a Bowsette reference here somewhere a la Team Four Star's take on the Solar Flare move. I mean, the move is supposed to break the opponent's brain, right?

Entrance: She transforms with the Super Crown.

Taunts: Up, she spins and cheers. Side, she checks out her transformed self for a second, brushing her dress and stuff. Down, she adjusts her crown a bit.

Next up, we will cover Robo Mario, the boss from the arcade games.

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