Monday, December 21, 2020

Character Sheet: Robo Mario


Now that we've covered all of the secondary Mario Kart titles, let's get into our two new characters added to the roster this time around. One is much like Waluigi last time in that they are being covered here mainly because it's our first time actually seeing them in this blog, and the other is more directly based on the games covered. They are:

1. Peachette

2. Robo Mario

Today, let's cover Robo Mario, a character probably not known very well by the general Mario game playing populace, as he only appears as a major boss in the Mario Kart Arcade games. My original concept for this character was for him to simply be an echo fighter for Mario Kart (with MK Arcade items traded out for the standard Mario Kart items), but honestly, there's so much uniqueness to the items in the arcade games, I think I could make an argument for them to be semi-clones of each other rather than full-on echoes.

Most of the Mario Kart arcade items follow a general principle for how they act. Some lock-on to targets, some are simply thrown forward, some are dropped or shot behind, some are used to hit those who come too close, some affect the user's status, and some are a bit more random. There are a number of items in each of these categories, so I'm going to be going with those that stood out as most memorable to me. I hope that's okay with everyone here. If you don't agree, you can probably swap out with other items you prefer. The general principle of this series is not particularly to make the most perfect moveset possible, it is to see if I can make one at all, so it really doesn't matter that much what's in each respective slot.

Here's the moveset that I came up with:

Standard B: Basin

This one is the lock-on projectile spot, and as for me, the basin was easily one of the most comical and memorable of these. So, Robo Mario will pull out a basin and throw it forward and it will head toward the nearest player ahead of him.

Side B: High Beam OR Magic Hand

I prefer Magic Hand here, but High Beam seems to be more prevalent, at least as far as I could tell. Under Magic Hand, it will reach out and grab an item from another player's hand, and under High Beam, it will flash a beam of light that will stun a player for a short time.

Up B: Tornado

This one is based on the tornado item from the game, but rather than send it out at an opponent, he instead will suffer the effects of it himself, as the tornado item will come out and launch him spinning upward. The move gets good height but loses some maneuverability.

Down B: Pie

This was my most memorable of the Backwards moves. Basically, the move will drop a pie on the ground behind Robo Mario that will then act as a potential hazard to trip up opponents.

Final Smash: Blue Shell OR Robo Bowser

Now, I could just use the same move I used for Mario Kart, as it's still a part of the arcade games, or I could use the robotic version of Bowser that replaces Bowser when Bowser is the playable character, acting as it would in the game itself.

Entrance: Robo Mario will screech onto the stage, just as Mario Kart would.

Taunts: Up, Robo Mario will put his hands into the air in the standard victory celebration. Side, it might be fun to have him pull out a Taiko drum (like the kind Don-chan is) and have him flip it back and forth for a second. Down, he will spark and deactivate for a second before coming back up.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's deal with the roster updates. Actually, come to think of it, that should only update the Mario roster this time.

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