Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Character Sheet: Croco


Are you guys excited? I'm excited. You should be too. You know why? Cause today we get to cover all the freakin' amazing characters from Super Mario RPG and the Paper Mario (pre-TOK) series, and even the not so amazing ones too. Here's the full list:

1. Cheep Cheep
2. Bob-Omb
3. Spike
4. Tiny Mouser
5. Mouser
6. Paper Mario
7. Mr. L
8. Geno
9. Mallow
10. Flurrie
11. Tippi & Pixls
12. Kersti
13. Huey
14. Merlon
15. Star Spirits
16. Smithy
17. Kammy Koopa
18. Sir Grodus
19. Count Bleck
20. Dimentio
21. Yaridovich
22. Axem Rangers
23. Lord Crump
24. The Shadow Sirens
25. O'Chunks
26. Mimi
27. Croco
28. Booster
29. Jonathan Jones
30. Valentina
31. Jr. Troopa
32. Doopliss
33. Rawk Hawk
34. Francis
35. Culex

Today, we leave the main plot characters behind and cover the memorable bosses who were more or less agents unto themselves in their antagonism of you. The first of these we will cover is Croco, the crocodile thief from Super Mario RPG who would provide a template for characters like Popple later on in Mario's RPG history. Croco appears a few times throughout the game, mostly having just stolen something important that Mario will have to track him down to get back. That's pretty much the long and the short of it for him.

Obviously, his main skill is theft, stashing the items he steals in the bag he carries around. He can also zip around really fast, meaning he'll probably be on the speedy side of the roster. In battle, his main moves are biting you as a basic attack, throwing bombs from his bag, throwing stolen enemies from his bag, and eating a "weird mushroom" that heals most of his damage. He also apparently has a crew of thieves who help him, but never in battle, I guess.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Steal
This one will function very similar to Villager's move of the same type. He will grab any projectiles that come his way and stash them in his bag, storing up to five items at a time. He will then use his Side B to throw them back as we will cover.

Side B: Chomp
Despite the odd name, this will more or less be the returning move. He will reach into his bag and throw something out. If he has any stolen items stashed, he will throw those first. If he hasn't stolen any, he will throw out some of the enemies unique to Super Mario RPG, as a way to represent them. On occasion, he will throw out a bomb as well.

Up B: Spin Flower
As aerial maneuvers really were never Super Mario RPG's strong suit, we'll go for a bit of a stretch here and use the flowers that appeared in the very first level that he appeared in, and that he himself used to make a getaway. He will stand on the flower, it will spin him around for a second, and then he will fly into the air for a short distance.

Down B: Weird Mushroom
Croco will pull the weird mushroom from his bag, eat it, maybe wear a grossed-out face for a second, and then some of his health will be restored.

Final Smash: Ambush
The move will start with an uppercut that will knock the opponent into the air and into a ceiling of rock, knocking them out. Once the opponent is knocked out, he will shout "Get 'em, boys," as a band of Crooks hop onto the stage and pickpocket the victim's body, racking up damage as they do. Might end with a finisher.

Entrance: Running in like he's being pursued.

Taunts: Digging through his bag, hiding behind a shrub, hopping around all angry-like, so on.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover the Wario-esque manchild of the game, Booster!

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