Friday, July 26, 2024

Second Chance Smash: Raphael Raven


Alright, before we get to the movesets, I got a Second Chance request for Raphael Raven, the boss from Yoshi's Island. At first I was tempted to just be like "He just kinda walks around and does a little stomp, there's not much to work with here," but I should do my due diligence, so . . . 

Now, yes, in the first game, that is really all Raphael does. He waddles around and does a stomp that sends sparks out. That's really it. However, I will say, that he is in Tetris Attack, which did lend a bit to Wiggler's moveset, so why not here? And then there's Paper Mario, where he and his Ravens are shown to fly with their feet, and do build a contraption to take you up the volcano.

Hmm, I guess I'll say . . . 


Well, there we go! Tomorrow, I'll do the character sheets. Oh, and I might as well put it out there now, no Zelda or Metroid games have come out since last visited (announced, yes. Released, no), and I don't have anyone in mind who needs a Second Chance for either, so here's your shot to suggest anyone.

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