Monday, July 8, 2024

Kirby Multimedia Adventure Mode


The story would open like an episode of the anime. It’s been several years since the defeat of EnEmEe, and Kirby has grown up a bit, to the point that he is ready to truly begin his Star Warrior training. A party is thrown in Cappy Town, and we get to see all of Kirby’s friends from the series and how things have changed for them. Tiff and Tuff are both much older now, Mabel and Samo are now married with a baby, and Escargoon no longer works for King Dedede, who is functionally destitute now that he has no access to monsters for his schemes and lives in the castle all alone.

Kirby heads off with Meta Knight, his crew, and other Star Warriors like Sirica, Kit Cosmos, and Knuckle Joe aboard the Battleship Halberd, bidding farewell to his friends. Tuggle and Gangu surprise him with a new Electronic Pet 2.0 as a going away present. We get a few levels of Kirby out in space, training and battling various Star Warriors and other allies from outside of Pop Star, including several from the comics.

Meanwhile, back on Pop Star, about a week after Kirby’s departure, a fleet of Destroyas appear above Cappy Town, unleashing nearly every monster Nightmare Enterprises ever used, destroying the town and capturing all of Kirby’s friends. King Dedede is brought to the control room where he discovers that the NME Salesman survived headquarters’ destruction all those years ago.

Setting a trap for Kirby, King Dedede and the Salesman put out a message into the universe, telling Kirby that they have his friends and ordering him to surrender to them or else their captives will be harmed. We get a few levels of Tiff, Tuff, and Escargoon working together to break out of their prison, rescue the other captive characters, leading to a battle with King Dedede.

Meanwhile, Kirby receives the message, and he and his Star Warrior allies return to Pop Star, forced to fight their way through a gauntlet of every monster Kirby ever faced in the past. At the end, they join forces with Tiff, Tuff, and their allies and take on the Salesman, who battles them in a giant mech made out of Destroya parts. Upon his defeat, everyone reunites and celebrates, only for a new portal to open up.

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