Monday, July 8, 2024

Kirby All-Stars Adventure Mode


Both Kirbys and their friends from both the game and non-game universes step through the portals that just opened up to be greeted by "The Game Master," a happy friendly character who challenges them all to a series of games (a general mix of all the various Kirby subgames and spinoff games) in a big tournament to determine the ultimate champion of the universe.

In the end, whoever wins the tournament (your player character) hops up to the stage to accept their trophy, only for a bunch of mechanical arms to grab the player and start to drain them of their power. "The Game Master" throws off their disguise to reveal that they are EnEmEe, weakened and trapped in his pocket universe after his climactic battle with Kirby, who set up this whole tournament to determine the most powerful warrior in the universe and steal their power, so that he could return and take control of Nightmare Enterprises once again.

After a long battle with everyone fighting together against EnEmEe, he is finally defeated and erased from all universes forever. Everyone starts to celebrate, when the pocket universe starts to break down and Master Hand appears, making a grasping motion and sucking everyone into his palm.

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