Friday, July 5, 2024

Kirby Karts


If this were a racing game, here's each vehicle and special move:

1.      Kirby: His Warp Star

a.      Special Move: Sucking in others and gaining their special move.

2.      King Dedede: His car from the anime

a.      Special Move: Smacking people away with his hammer.

3.      Meta Knight: A mini-Halberd

a.      Special Move: Spinning for a second to deflect projectiles.

4.      Meta-Knights: A mini-Halberd

a.      Special Move: Sticking out the trident to push opponents away.

5.      Nightmare: A Destroya

a.      Special Move: Causing the stage to turn dark.

6.      Rick: A Rick-mobile

a.      Special Move: Bouncing a ball on his nose and sending it flying at a player.

7.      Coo: A Coo-plane

a.      Special Move: Throwing three feathers forward.

8.      Kine: His bowl wagon from the anime

a.      Special Move: He holds a bulb in his mouth that zaps anyone in front of him.

9.      Gooey: A Dark Matter vehicle

a.      Special Move: Grabbing players with his tongue and stealing their special move.

10.  Dark Matter: Flying at high speed

a.      Special Move: Possessing another racer.

11.  Dynablade: Just flying

a.      Special Move: Causing strong wind across the track.

12.  Marx: Rolling on his ball

a.      Special Move: Flying with his wings and dropping bombs the whole time.

13.  Bandana Waddle Dee: A Waddle Dee car

a.      Special Move: Throwing a spear with pinpoint accuracy.

14.  Chuchu: Riding in a spinning parasol

a.      Special Move: Latching onto players with her tentacles.

15.  Nago: Flying on a broom

a.      Special Move: Grabbing players and dragging them along the ground.

16.  Pitch: A Pitch-plane

a.      Special Move: Stabbing out at items with his beak.

17.  Adeleine: A car drawn by her

a.      Special Move: Drawing a monster to be an obstacle.

18.  Zero/Zero-Two: Just flying

a.      Special Move: Creating Dark Matters to possess other racers.

19.  Gryll & Mr. Star: Gryll’s broom

a.      Special Move: Dropping blocks behind them.

20.  Ribbon: Based on the Crystal Star

a.      Special Move: Firing magical beams from the Crystal Star.

21.  Miracle Matter: Just flying

a.      Special Move: Rolling and causing a random effect.

22.  Dark Meta Knight: Based on the Dimension Mirror

a.      Special Move: Creating a dark copy of one racer.

23.  Dark Mind: Based on the Dimension Mirror

a.      Special Move: Trapping a player in a mirror version of the track for a short time

24.  Drawcia: A car covered in paint

a.      Special Move: Turning another player into a ball

25.  Ball Kirby: Rolling on a rainbow line

a.      Special Move: A bunch of food appearing in his path to give him boosts

26.  Daroach: Based on their zeppelin

a.      Special Move: Stealing an item from a nearby player

27.  Squeak Squad: Doc’s saucer

a.      Special Move: Storo doing a body slam and causing an earthquake

28.  Dark Nebula: Based on the chest

a.      Special Move: Trapping a player inside of a chest.

29.  Galacta Knight: Based on Galactic Nova

a.      Special Move: Charging forward with his wings and his spear out

30.  Masked Dedede: Based on his boxing ring

a.      Special Move: Spinning his hammer around and around for a while

31.  Yin Yarn: His needles carrying him forward

a.      Special Move: Unraveling another player for a short time

32.  Prince Fluff: The Kirby Tank

a.      Special Move: Launching forward as a rocket.

33.  Necrodeus: His cloud mass

a.      Special Move: Splitting another player into pieces.

34.  Kirby Mass: All riding on a Warp Star

a.      Special Move: The entire group launching one forward to get ahead

35.  Magolor: The Lor Starcutter

a.      Special Move: Creating shields around himself

36.  Landia: Just flying

a.      Special Move: Each head spitting a fireball

37.  Taranza: Flying on a large bee

a.      Special Move: Leaving behind a web across the road

38.  Queen Sectonia: A bee-pulled chariot

a.      Special Move: Causing the Dreamstalk to sprout under an opponent.

39.  Elline: A car made out of clay

a.      Special Move: Leaving behind sticky blobs of clay

40.  Claycia: A car made out of clay

a.      Special Move: Her hands start following certain opponents around

41.  Robobot Armor: The Wheelie ability

a.      Special Move: Firing rockets.

42.  Susie: A car version of her mech

a.      Special Move: Controlling a drone.

43.  Mecha Knight: A mech version of the Halberd

a.      Special Move: Firing a homing missile.

44.  President Haltmann: A car version of his mech

a.      Special Move: Causing a section of the track to become mechanized briefly.

45.  Star Dream: Just a car form of itself

a.      Special Move: Firing a powerful laser beam straight forward

46.  Sword Hero: A noble steed

a.      Special Move: Slashing around him with his sword.

47.  Hammer Lord: A noble steed

a.      Special Move: Causing a small earthquake with a hammer slam.

48.  Doctor Healmore: A noble steed

a.      Special Move: Tossing out a concoction that will either help or harm opponents

49.  Beam Mage: A noble steed

a.      Special Move: Firing a powerful magical blast.

50.  King D-Mind: A dark version of King Dedede’s car

a.      Special Move: Spreading darkness immediately around him.

51.  Lord Hyness: Based on the Jambastion

a.      Special Move: Clones of the three Mage Sisters will appear around him as shields.

52.  Francisca: Based on the Ice Trident

a.      Special Move: She will freeze an opponent in place

53.  Flamberge: Based on the Fire Trident

a.      Special Move: She will leave a fire across the track behind her

54.  Zan Partizanne: Based on the Lightning Trident

a.      Special Move: She will call down a lightning strike on one opponent

55.  Buff Dedede: A muscle car version of Dedede’s car

a.      Special Move: He will slam his fists down into the road several times

56.  Void Termina: Based on the Jamba Heart

a.      Special Move: He will infect an opponent with the Jamba Heart, making them lose control.

57.  Morpho Knight: Based on his butterfly form

a.      Special Move: He will send a fiery beam slash forward at high speed

58.  Wrestler Kirby: Based on a wrestling ring

a.      Special Move: He will grab a nearby racer and perform a wrestling move on them.

59.  Elfilin: Based on Kirby’s Car Form

a.      Special Move: His car will turn into Kirby’s giant pillar form and roll across the track.

60.  Clawroline: A fancy car with her spot pattern

a.      Special Move: She will leap out of her car and strike another fighter with knives.

61.  Forgo Dedede: A car version of himself

a.      Special Move: He will become enraged and start charging.

62.  Leongar: Based on his base

a.      Special Move: He will lunge forward and slash the nearest racer

63.  Fecto Elfilis: Based on Fecto Forgo

a.      Special Move: He will turn into Fecto Forgo and absorb everything in his path.

64.  Master Crown: The Lor Starcutter

a.      Special Move: It will latch itself onto another player and take over their controls.

65.  Waddle Dee: A Waddle Dee car

a.      Special Move: An army of Waddle Dees will surround it and protect it from harm

66.  Broom Hatter: Its broom

a.      Special Move: It will use a broom to sweep away hazards before it

67.  Poppy Bros.: Rolling on its ball

a.      Special Move: It will toss bombs around it

68.  Whispy Woods: A wagon full of dirt

a.      Special Move: He will rain apples from above all over the track

69.  Waddle Doo: A Waddle Dee car

a.      Special Move: It will shoot a short-range beam

70.  Mumbies: Based on a sarcophagus

a.      Special Move: It will bite another player and drain their health

71.  Lololo & Lalala: Based on their blocks

a.      Special Move: They will toss out two blocks, one forward and one backward

72.  Parasol Waddle Dee: A car with the parasol on the front

a.      Special Move: They will be carried aloft by the wind

73.  Sir Kibble: A car with a blade on the front

a.      Special Move: Basically the Boomerang flower, but more damaging

74.  Kracko: Rockets attached to his back

a.      Special Move: It will fire shrinking lightning bolts beneath it

75.  Hothead: A car with hot rod flames

a.      Special Move: It will breathe a line of fire forward

76.  Sparky: An electrically powered car

a.      Special Move: It will create an electric field around itself

77.  UFO: Just flying

a.      Special Move: It will be able to shoot lasers everywhere

78.  Sword Knight: A car based on the Halberd

a.      Special Move: He will slash out to the side

79.  Blade Knight: A car based on the Halberd

a.      Special Move: He will fire a sword beam forward

80.  Mr. Frosty: A toboggan

a.      Special Move: He will send out a block of ice that will slide and create an ice sheet

81.  Twister: Spinning inside of a cyclone

a.      Special Move: It will spin and move faster while being protected

82.  Wheelie: Just it with its bike attachment

a.      Special Move: Super speed boost

83.  Noddy: Based on a bed

a.      Special Move: Will cause others to fall asleep on the track

84.  Paint Roller: Just roller skating

a.      Special Move: Will leave a trail of slippery paint behind it

85.  Rocky: Based on a rolling boulder

a.      Special Move: Will turn into a giant boulder and plow through everyone

86.  Bugzzy: Based on a large beetle

a.      Special Move: Grabbing another player and suplexing them

87.  Pengy: A toboggan

a.      Special Move: Breathing cold air to freeze opponents

88.  Chilly: Skis

a.      Special Move: Creating an icy trail beneath it to move faster

89.  Bonkers: A car built out of a barrel hammer

a.      Special Move: Slamming his hammer down and causing an earthquake

90.  Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright: A car covered in stars and planets

a.      Special Move: One will float above the other and drop meteors behind them

91.  Jumpershoot: A car with a parasol on the front

a.      Special Move: Will protect from harm from above

92.  Blocky: A car made out of Kabus

a.      Special Move: He will slam hard into the ground, causing an earthquake and flattening anyone too close

93.  Ice Dragon: A car made entirely of ice

a.      Special Move: Will breathe out an icy storm that freezes any who pass through it

94.  Waiu: Based on an old Japanese cart

a.      Special Move: Will do a line-of-sight teleportation

95.  Masher: Based on a giant controller

a.      Special Move: It will throw its mace out and flatten any it lands on

96.  Captain Stitch: Based on a large spiky missile

a.      Special Move: Shooting spikes in all directions

97.  Burnin’ Leo: A car with flames

a.      Special Move: Will blast forward like a fiery rocket

98.  Knuckle Joe: A car based on a boxing arena

a.      Special Move: Throwing a Vulcan Jab at another player

99.  Simirror: Based on a mirror

a.      Special Move: Creating two false mirror images

100.                     Chef Kawasaki: Sitting inside his giant golden pot

a.      Special Move: Will suck everyone nearby into his pot to be boiled

101.                     Bio Spark: Based on a Japanese cart

a.      Special Move: Throws ninja stars to make opponents spin out

102.                     Gim: Based on a giant spinning top

a.      Special Move: Can use his yo-yo to defend or attack

103.                     Tac: A getaway vehicle

a.      Special Move: Will steal others’ items

104.                     Birdon: Based on Dyna Blade

a.      Special Move: Can take off and fly above the track

105.                     Sasuke: Based on a Japanese firework

a.      Special Move: Firing off a barrage of fireworks

106.                     Tick: Based on the Needle Hat

a.      Special Move: Will cover himself in spikes to damage and protect

107.                     Como: A large spider web

a.      Special Move: Will catch racers on webs and string them up

108.                     Galbo: Based on a Galboros

a.      Special Move: Will leave a pool of poison behind

109.                     Acro: A giant fishbowl with wheels

a.      Special Move: Will start swimming at high speed through the road

110.                     Plugg: A giant plug-in car

a.      Special Move: Will electrify the entire track

111.                     HR-H and HR-E: The tank form

a.      Special Move: Will fire missiles

112.                     Phan Phan: Just charging

a.      Special Move: Grabbing opponents and tossing them backwards

113.                     Foley: A car carrying bombs

a.      Special Move: Leaving a trail of time bombs behind

114.                     Box Boxer: Based on a dog house

a.      Special Move: Its ears will punch at anyone who gets too close

115.                     Boxy: Based on a Christmas tree

a.      Special Move: Will leave an item box behind

116.                     Wiz: Based on a Magician’s box for cutting people in half

a.      Special Move: Can pull any item from his hat

117.                     Fangora: Based on a sewing basket

a.      Special Move: Breathing fire yarn that clings to racers

118.                     Mariner: A tank made of yarn

a.      Special Move: Firing a cannon from the top of his head to land back down behind him

119.                     Squashini: Same as Wiz’s but made of yarn

a.      Special Move: Swishing his cape to make an item disappear

120.                     Sphere Doomer: The Lor Starcutter

a.      Special Move: Leaving a small Doomer to haunt and guard an item box

121.                     Leafan: Spinning in a swirl of leaves

a.      Special Move: A swirl of protective leaves around it

122.                     Gigant Edge: Based on the Halberd

a.      Special Move: A giant shield on its front

123.                     Whippy: A dune buggy

a.      Special Move: Lashing with its whip to make racers spin out

124.                     Moonja: A moon carriage

a.      Special Move: Becoming invisible

125.                     Goriath: A snowmobile

a.      Special Move: Car clinging to the side of a wall

126.                     Dubior: Just flying

a.      Special Move: Releasing drones to fly ahead and attack obstacles

127.                     Metal General: In a vehicle mode

a.      Special Move: Firing homing missiles

128.                     Ringle: A chariot full of bells and noisemakers

a.      Special Move: Basically the Music Box

129.                     Beetley: A giant rhino beetle

a.      Special Move: Flipping other racers with its horn

130.                     Hornhead: Just flying

a.      Special Move: Ramming forward with its horn

131.                     Flowery Woods: A flowery pot on wheels

a.      Special Move: Spreading toxic pollen across the track

132.                     Spynum: A mechanical horse

a.      Special Move: Sniping with its arrows

133.                     Clown Acrobot: A tiny clown car

a.      Special Move: Juggling multiple items at once

134.                     Paintra: A car covered in paint splotches

a.      Special Move: Leaving behind a puddle of paint

135.                     Coily Rattler: Based on a sarcophagus

a.      Special Move: Rolling like a giant wheel

136.                     Pyribbit: Based on a volcano

a.      Special Move: Spewing lava all across the track

137.                     Cotta: A car made of clay

a.      Special Move: Leaving chunks of clay all over the road

138.                     Invader Armor: A car version

a.      Special Move: Turning into the robot and smashing other cars

139.                     Chemitory: An ambulance

a.      Special Move: Leaving behind boosts for other players

140.                     Clanky Woods: A high-tech carrier for it

a.      Special Move: Attacking players with drills

141.                     NESP: A car that it’s controlling with no hands

a.      Special Move: Sending a PK Thunder after another player

142.                     Telepathos: A car that it’s controlling with no hands

a.      Special Move: Causing a player to lift off the track and hover in midair

143.                     Wester: A mechanical horse

a.      Special Move: Lassoing another racer

144.                     Driblee: Riding on a wave

a.      Special Move: Surfing even faster than before

145.                     Vividria: A car covered in paint splotches

a.      Special Move: Covering the other players’ screens in paint

146.                     Jammerjab: Based on the Jambastion

a.      Special Move: Automatically pushing any opponents away

147.                     Devil: Just flying

a.      Special Move: Following another player’s every move

148.                     Gorimondo: Based on the Beast Pack’s stages

a.      Special Move: Becoming gigantic and stomping around the track

149.                     Fleurina: In the middle of a tornado

a.      Special Move: Performing a number of ballet moves to avoid damage and move faster

150.                     Sillydillo: Just rolling in his shell

a.      Special Move: Pulling another racer into a tango

151.                     Sandran: A car made out of sand

a.      Special Move: Hiding in a pile of sand while still moving

152.                     Armoroid: A vehicle mode

a.      Special Move: Firing twin lasers forward

153.                     Cappy: Mayor Blustergast’s towncar

a.      Special Move: Mabel predicting oncoming attacks earlier

154.                     Escargoon: The tank from early seasons

a.      Special Move: Sucking up items for himself

155.                     Tiff: The Warp Star

a.      Special Move: Calling for the warp star to blaze around the track

156.                     Tuff: Based on the raft he built himself

a.      Special Move: Kicking a ball back and forth with his friends

157.                     Chief Bookem: A police car

a.      Special Move: Locking them in a prison for a short time

158.                     Professor Curio: An old truck full of antiquities

a.      Special Move: Digging a pit in the road

159.                     Gus: his bike

a.      Special Move: Spilling gas everywhere that will ignite easily

160.                     Melman: his bike

a.      Special Move: Spinning to kick up a dust cloud

161.                     Chef Shiitake: the golden pot with wheels

a.      Special Move: Leaving a Popon behind to block the track

162.                     Robot Dog: A vehicle mode

a.      Special Move: Self-destructing after a short period of time

163.                     Doctor Yabui: An ambulance

a.      Special Move: Strapping a racer to his own car so he can operate on them

164.                     Princess Rona: Her spaceship

a.      Special Move: Disguising herself as a different racer

165.                     Commander Vee: Her spaceship

a.      Special Move: Slicing up a racer with multiple slashes

166.                     Kit Cosmos: Strung together out of branches and leaves

a.      Special Move: Leaving behind an arrow trap

167.                     Benikage: A ninja car

a.      Special Move: Stealing a scroll (item) from another racer

168.                     Yamikage: A ninja car

a.      Special Move: Making a faster-than-light slash

169.                     Wolfwrath: Simply running wild

a.      Special Move: Going on a fiery rampage around the track

170.                     Monsieur Goan: Based on the sushi rack

a.      Special Move: Leaving behind an item box that lights players on fire

171.                     Martial Arts All-Stars: Based on their chocolate eggs

a.      Special Move: Leaping into the air and coming back down for a sumo slam

172.                     Sirica: Her spaceship

a.      Special Move: Using her weapon in four different ways in each direction

173.                     Max Flexer: His steamroller

a.      Special Move: Making another racer into a giant ball

174.                     Dirk, Kirk, and Smirk: A motorcycle

a.      Special Move: Using a Kick Me sign to draw all projectiles to another racer

175.                     Delivery Man: Just his own vehicle

a.      Special Move: A sudden burst of super speed

176.                     Mosugaba: Flying

a.      Special Move: Blowing a gust of blinding toxic pollen

177.                     Dr. Moro & Kirbysaur: The tour boats for the park

a.      Special Move: Creating a dinosaur that looks like an opponent to wander the track

178.                     Escar-droid: With its own wheels

a.      Special Move: Becoming an attack droid, going after anyone close by

179.                     Red Viper: Based on the energy drink vending machines

a.      Special Move: Making an opponent super slow

180.                     Chef Nagoya: The golden pot with wheels

a.      Special Move: Eating Superspicy Curry and breathing flames

181.                     Anige: Based on his drones

a.      Special Move: Taking control of other racers

182.                     Fang: His bike

a.      Special Move: Spikes on his bike tires

183.                     Fryclops: A food truck

a.      Special Move: Creating “thin” item boxes with nothing in them

184.                     Air Riders: Their Air Ride machines

a.      Special Move: Allowed to fly up and over non-track terrain

185.                     Lobzilla: Just flying

a.      Special Move: Tiny lobsters that freeze other fighters

186.                     Princess Marona: A giant cake on wheels

a.      Special Move: Leaving behind a giant cake on the track

187.                     Baron Gallic: His spaceship

a.      Special Move: Using the malice stone to make other racers lose control

188.                     Director Kane: A mech of his own

a.      Special Move: His mech growing giant grabbing lobster claws

189.                     Moa: Based on the Halberd, but slapped together by himself

a.      Special Move: Faking being struck while moving forward invisibly

190.                     Tron: Based on his camera

a.      Special Move: Creating duplicates of other fighters to clog up the track

191.                     Pirika: Based on her Dreamstalk

a.      Special Move: Planting a small stalk to cause negative effects on others

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