Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Character Sheet: Leon Powalski


As stated before, I'm going back to the old Character Sheet format for the main series runs instead of the basic roster from before. The biggest reason for this is purely so I can give myself time to actually work through any given series' content. While that's not so much a concern with this series, I will need it come Pokemon time, so, yeah. Here's everyone who made it for Star Fox:

1. Fox McCloud

1e. James McCloud

2. Falco Lombardi

3. Krystal

4. Slippy Toad

5. Peppy Hare

6. Arwing

6e. Wolfen

7. Landmaster

8. ROB 64

9. Prince Tricky

10. Andross

10e. Andrew Oikonny

11. Wolf O'Donnell

12. Leon Powalski

13. Panther Caroso

14. Pigma Dengar

15. General Scales

16. Aparoid Queen

17. Anglar Emperor

18. SharpClaw

19. Aparoid

20. Monarch Dodora

Next up, we have Wolf's faithful right-hand man and the only consistent member of the team after him. Leon is a chameleon and typically the rival of Falco in all of their face-offs. He is generally described as being cruel and sadistic, finding pleasure in the suffering of others.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Blaster

About the same as Wolf's.

Side B: Chameleon Slap

As chameleons lack in the claw department, I figure he'd do more of a slightly sticky slap than a claw attack, with his movement being more slippery like Slippy's.

Up B: Chameleon Hop

Also like Slippy, Leon will use hover rockets for this instead of the general fire.

Down B: Invisibility

He will project the shield but will also turn invisible as a result, the effect lasting for a bit even after dropping the shield.

Final Smash: Team Star Wolf

Definitely the Wolf, Leon, Panther version.

Entrance: Dropping from a Wolfen.

Taunts: Up, lashing out with his tongue. Side, one of his usual quotes. Down, crouching and rubbing his hands together.

Kirby Hat: His head and eyes, maybe tail too.

Kart: A Wolfen.

Special Move: He will turn invisible for a short time.

Spirit Battle: With Wolf and Panther on Sector Z.

Victory Screen: Laughing wickedly and rubbing his hands together, boasting of his victory.

Losing Screen: "No, I cannot lose."

Color Swaps: 64 version, Assault version, Command version, Zero version, Wolf colors, Falco colors, Panther colors, Slippy colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Panther Caroso flies in with style.

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