Monday, September 2, 2024

Character Sheet: Arwing


As stated before, I'm going back to the old Character Sheet format for the main series runs instead of the basic roster from before. The biggest reason for this is purely so I can give myself time to actually work through any given series' content. While that's not so much a concern with this series, I will need it come Pokemon time, so, yeah. Here's everyone who made it for Star Fox:

1. Fox McCloud

1e. James McCloud

2. Falco Lombardi

3. Krystal

4. Slippy Toad

5. Peppy Hare

6. Arwing

6e. Wolfen

7. Landmaster

8. ROB 64

9. Prince Tricky

10. Andross

10e. Andrew Oikonny

11. Wolf O'Donnell

12. Leon Powalski

13. Panther Caroso

14. Pigma Dengar

15. General Scales

16. Aparoid Queen

17. Anglar Emperor

18. SharpClaw

19. Aparoid

20. Monarch Dodora

This might vibe a little weird, but considering it truly is, by far, the most playable "character" in the Star Fox series and takes up a good 75% of all playtime across the series, it really shouldn't come as a surprise that it would end up being playable.

The Arwings are the main mode of transport for the Star Fox team, acting as their fighters in battle. In this game, they'd maybe be a little shrunken down, and make good use of their walker mode from Star Fox 2 and Star Fox Zero. There would also be a drop-down menu that would allow you to choose the Arwing's pilot, which includes a number of characters not appearing as playable fighters otherwise.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Charge Shot

While the core lasers are the standard attacks, a charge shot acts as first special.

Side B: Barrel Roll

This will allow you to roll to one side and avoid a majority of your attacks.

Up B: Shuttle Loop

The Arwing would look upwards to get higher. The copter from Zero also could make an appearance here. Either way.

Down B: Nova Bomb

The Arwing will drop a nova bomb which will detonate on impact behind it. That little robot from Zero could also possibly have a function here, but I like the Nova Bomb better.

Final Smash: Great Fox

The Star Fox team's mothership will appear behind the stage and start bombarding it with laser blasts. General Pepper arriving with the Cornerian Armada is also a possibility.

Entrance: Launching from the Great Fox.

Taunts: Up, it will flare its wings and engines out for a second. Side, it will do a little roll. Down, it will turn into the walker mode and seem to go to sleep. Secret taunt, you can start up conversations between any of the available pilots.

Kirby Hat: The blue wing tip things on his arms.

Kart: Just itself.

Special Move: It can fire charge shots at its opponents.

Spirit Battle: A horde battle, on Lylat Cruise.

Victory Screen: The ship flying with its team back to base.

Losing Screen: Smoking from its engine and crashing toward a planet below.

Color Swaps: The standard look, the old sprites from the original game, Katt's ship, an Armada fighter, the tadpole-looking fighter from the Aquas missions, the copter from Zero, a Star Wolf-colored one, and a gold one.

Available pilots include: Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Slippy Toad, Peppy Hare, Krystal, Katt Monroe, Bill Grey, James McCloud, Lucy Hare, Amanda, Dash Bowman, Miyu, Fay, Fara Phoenix, and Marcus McCloud.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the Wolfen blocks your path.

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