Monday, February 22, 2021

Character Sheet: Koopa Kid


Today, we have three brand new characters to add to our roster, all featured exclusively in the Mario Party franchise. One will be an echo, while the other two will be slightly more original and based on the various concepts and mechanics of the franchise as a whole. They are:

1. Koopa Kid

2. Tumble

3. Brighton & Twila

Let's get the easy one out of the way first. I have always personally believed that the Koopa Kid of the Mario Party games was originally supposed to be the Koopalings, but since they didn't want to program all seven in or single out one from the rest, they created a sort of hodge-podge generic version of them all. So, it seems fitting to me that Koopa Kid be an echo of Koopaling, but all of his versions of their moves would be based on items that appeared in the Mario Party games.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Ring Toss
You know, I came into this going, yeah, there's totally enough moves to match all of the Koopalings' moves, but right out the gate, I can't remember any sort of ring toss game in any of those covered so far. Which is weird, since that would go so well with it. I'm sure there's something. Either way, Koopa Kid tosses projectile, it bounces around. There's plenty of that in Mario Party at least.

Side B: Bullet Bill Blaster
This one would be a bit more based on games that used Bullet Bill cannons, of which there were plenty. The cannon used would match the appearance of those.

Up B: Bouncy Ball
Rather than just being on top of the ball like Lemmy however, the Koopa Kid would be inside one of those ball suits from certain minigames common in the series and bounce with that.

Down B: Giant Mallet
I don't think I have to explain too much here, am I right? I'm sure everyone who's played a Mario Party game can think of at least one minigame involving you smacking something with a giant mallet.

Final Smash: Bowser Balloon Blowout
I shook up this one, because I liked the idea of using that minigame where you blow up a giant balloon of Bowser's face and whoever's turn it popped on lost. Basically, Koopa Kid would just run up to the pump, pump it as fast as he could while the Bowser face rapidly inflated, and then it would explode and throw everyone off the stage.

Entrance: He'd float down on that Bowser balloon he used sometimes.

Taunts: Up, he would dance around like he just won a game. Side, he'd rattle some dice and then toss them along the ground. Down, he'd flop down on his butt like he just lost a match.

Next up: Let's cover Tumble and try to parse things out a bit.

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