Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Character Sheet: Brighton & Twila


Today, we have three brand new characters to add to our roster, all featured exclusively in the Mario Party franchise. One will be an echo, while the other two will be slightly more original and based on the various concepts and mechanics of the franchise as a whole. They are:

1. Koopa Kid

2. Tumble

3. Brighton & Twila

Going into this, these two were the ones I was going to leave out in the end. Koopa Kid worked as a more Party-centric echo of Koopa Kid, Tumble being a living dice worked as the best representative of the series as a whole, and MC Ballyhoo just happens to feature in a game where most of the mechanics were changed up and overhauled to be significantly different from the rest of the series, leaving just Brighton and Twila to be the ones lost and forgotten by this series. That said, there's always some slight adjustments made between my initial walkthrough viewings and the making of the blog posts, and this time, they just managed to find their way in.

Now, Brighton and Twila are literal manifestations of the sun and moon respectively. Although they spend Party 6 at odds with each other, they have similar body types and generally similar noted powers, so it's not too much of a stretch that they be color swaps. If you want them to be echoes, that's fine, but I feel we're just getting extraneous at that point. In the writing of the blog, I noticed that there was a whole section of space-themed mini-games, and considering they were literal celestial bodies, I had myself a bit of an epiphany. So, most of their moves will be based on those specifically. These include: piloting spaceships, blasting meteors with lasers, using a rocketpack, launching a rocket, ground pounding spaces that might electrocute you, swimming through space and away from a black hole, and . . . herding Boos, I guess. Maybe the Gaddlight can come in handy too. Either way, I think we've got plenty.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Asteroad Rage

Brighton or Twila will pull out a space-age laser gun and shoot at a meteor that will appear some distance away, destroying the meteor and sending debris flying around it. (I figured that would make it a bit more than just a laser blast).

Side B: Sumo of Doom-o

They will get into one of the cars from this game and push across the stage, trying to push anyone that happens to be in front of them off the stage.

Up B: Lunar-tics

The jetpack from this game will appear on their backs and carry them a little ways into the sky. Possibly tapping A a lot might help you go higher with this.

Down B: T Minus Five OR O-Zone

I like the premise of both. T Minus Five would have the character set down a rocket and it would launch after a countdown of five, targeting the nearest opponent. O-Zone would have the character throw down one of the panels from said game. When an opponent walks across it, an X or an O would pop up. The O will do nothing and they'll walk away scot-free. The X however will electrify and stun them.

Final Smash: Celestial Rivalry

While the Black Hole was an option, I prefer more of a move based on the opening cutscene. Brighton and Twila would get into an argument over who is better. They'd start pushing against each other, switching the stage from day to night and back again, and the characters on the stage would get flung around with the movement of the sky, ultimately ending in them all getting launched.

Entrance: They'd descend from above.

Taunts: Up, they'd wave their respective wand and either slightly brighten or darken the stage for a second. Side, the other one not on stage would peek out from behind the player's back and the two would glare at each other for a second. Down, they'd lay down and take a nap.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's update the roster!

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