Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Character Sheet: Toad (Side Character Spinoffs)


Today, we begin our next round of character sheets, with updates for every major character who appeared in the Luigi's Mansion series, Super Princess Peach, or Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker. Most of these should be fairly simple, with only four newcomers to speak of. They are:

1. Mario
2. Luigi
3. Princess Peach
4. Toad
4e. Toadette
5. Bowser
6. Koopa Troopa
6e. Dry Bones
7. Goomba
8. Piranha Plant
9. Boo
10. Blooper
11. Lakitu
12. Hammer Bro
13. Chargin' Chuck
14. Wiggler
15. Chain Chomp
16. Petey Piranha
17. King Boo
18. Kamek
19. Shy Guy
20. Vacuum Luigi (New)
20e. Professor E. Gadd (New)
21. Perry (New)
22. Ghost (New)

Today, let's cover Toad! Toad appears primarily as a supporting character who doesn't do much across the Luigi's Mansion games and Super Princess Peach, but appeared in an entirely unique starring role in Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. I went back and forth on this, whether or not Captain Toad would be his own thing, but I decided against it, as much of Treasure Tracker is built more on Toad's inability to do anything, instead relying on clever uses of the level's terrain itself to get around. And those things Toad could do here were already things he could do, what with plucking and throwing vegetables, the double cherry item, and use of a flashlight helmet, with the pickaxe being the only real new thing. Captain Toad is for sure a color swap though.

Here's his moveset:

Standard B: Flashlight
Using the intensity of his flashlight been to stun and damage his opponent the way he does to ghost enemies here. I figure it works better than the whole pick-up-and-throw mechanic, which honestly can function more as a grab.

Side B: Pickaxe
He will pull out his pickaxe and smack rapidly with it, doing a great deal of damage in the process, a unique move to Treasure Tracker.

Up B: Propeller Hat

Down B: Treasure Chest

Final Smash: Mega Mushroom

Entrance: He arrives aboard the Toad Brigade's ship, with the whistle bit.

Taunts: "Thank you, Mario, but our Princess is in another castle." That whistle bit at the beginning of the Toad Brigade's leitmotif. "Alright."

Next up: Let's cover his . . . sister . . . girlfriend . . . partner . . . whatever, Toadette!

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