Thursday, June 11, 2020

Character Sheet: Blooper (Side Character Spinoffs)


Today, we begin our next round of character sheets, with updates for every major character who appeared in the Luigi's Mansion series, Super Princess Peach, or Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker. Most of these should be fairly simple, with only four newcomers to speak of. They are:

1. Mario
2. Luigi
3. Princess Peach
4. Toad
4e. Toadette
5. Bowser
6. Koopa Troopa
6e. Dry Bones
7. Goomba
8. Piranha Plant
9. Boo
10. Blooper
11. Lakitu
12. Hammer Bro
13. Chargin' Chuck
14. Wiggler
15. Chain Chomp
16. Petey Piranha
17. King Boo
18. Kamek
19. Shy Guy
20. Vacuum Luigi (New)
20e. Professor E. Gadd (New)
21. Perry (New)
22. Ghost (New)

Today, let's cover the Blooper, who pretty much just appears in Super Princess Peach and Toad's Treasure Tracker, functioning basically as they always do. Not much to say.

Now, it's at this point, I have to start to wonder to myself, what's even the point anymore of doing all of these revisions when for the most part we've covered most of what there is to cover and most of the characters will simply have tiny little blurbs as seen above. So, here's my thought. The RPGs are next after this, first Legend of Seven Stars and the Paper Mario series, then the Mario & Luigi series. Those I expect are likely the last games to offer up any substantial new changes to the existing roster entries (plus just so many more new characters). After that will be the Mario sports games, and from there we will have the Party games and a bunch of random others. Most of these games will likely include a vast majority of the currently existing roster, but simply as one among the many playable characters in the various sports titles or as background decoration and obstacles, and thus will not yield much personal to themselves. So, here's what I'll do. I'll finish out the RPGs doing the full revision treatment for all appearing characters, and then for everything after, I'll cover only the new cast and simply skim over anything notable for anyone else. Sound good? Good!

Here is the moveset:

Standard B: Ink

Side B: Surf

Up B: Inkjet

Down B: Tentacle Slap

Final Smash: Gooper Blooper

Entrance: Maybe float onto the stage, referencing how they can fly in The Lost Levels.

Taunts: Ink a little the way they do in Mario Kart. Wave a tentacle around. Float upward in the same animation from the original games.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover the Lakitu enemy!

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