Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Character Sheet: Stanley the Bugman (Arcade)


Now that we have all of the Arcade Donkey Kong/Mario titles under our belt, I think it's time we go through and evaluate every character we have picked so far as being playable.

This time we have six:

1. Mario
1e. Luigi
2. Donkey Kong
3. Donkey Kong Jr.
4. Stanley
5. Pauline

Today we will cover Stanley, an exterminator and star of Donkey Kong 3, who fights to protect his greenhouse from Donkey Kong and a swarm of angry bees. This is Stanley's only appearance to date so most of his moves will likely exist as throwbacks to the game itself. Unless Nintendo someday revitalizes him the way they did for Pauline, this is all we have to go on.

Being more or less a replacement for Mario, Stanley will likely have a lot of the same stats, being generally middle of the road, albeit likely being speedier but with lower jumping capacity. Most of his moves will be built around his spray can of pesticide's usage.

Here is the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Spray Upgrade
As most of his standard A moveset will feature sprays from his pesticide in some regard (his up A likely being his standard upward spray), I thought I would assign the stronger blast obtained from powerup to be his standard, acting as a strong projectile.

Side B: Ball
Taking this move from Donkey Kong himself, Stanley throws out the large bouncy ball that Donkey Kong occasionally threw down, which will bounce across the stage, bowling over any character it contacts.

Up B: Bees
Stanley will be lifted into the air by a pair of bees, mimicking the way the bees would steal his flower pots in Donkey Kong 3. The bees will function much like Olimar's Up B, carrying him quite a way, but he will be dropped if hit.

Down B: Beehive
Stanley will smash a beehive onto an opponent's head, similar to how he beats Donkey Kong in multiple levels. This will disorient the opposing fighter, leaving them with a beehive stuck on their head for a time as the bees inside deal constant damage.

Final Smash: The Swarm
Two beehives will drop from the sky and break open, unleashing a horde of angry bees all over the stage, dealing massive damage to all players. This is similar to Donkey Kong's own final smash, at least until he is updated for later installments.

Entrance: Stanley runs around, spraying away some bees.

Taunts: Bees buzzing around his head, checking the pressure gauge on his spray can, watering a flower.

Next up: We will cover Mario's first girlfriend Pauline.

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