Thursday, June 20, 2024

Kirby Assist Trophies


And here's our assist trophies for the franchise:

1.      Awoofy: A trio of Awoofies will run around the stage, growling at players and occasionally attacking them.

2.      Bomber: The Bomber will walk around for a bit before stopping and exploding.

3.      Bouncy: The Bouncy will just bounce in place until knocked away.

4.      Cupie: The Cupie will fly around shooting arrows at players.

5.      Fire Lion: Fire Lion will lunge at players, grab them in its mouth, and then start chewing on them.

6.      Gigavolt: Gigavolt will appear behind the stage and starts slamming its arms down on the fighters.

7.      Gordo: Gordo will bob in the middle of the stage as a hazard.

8.      Grab Hand: The Grab Hands will focus on one fighter and start chasing them around, trying to grab them.

9.      Kabula: Kabula will hover at the left side of the stage, firing missiles at the players.

10.  Jukid: Jukid will grab the first fighter that comes close and suplex them.

11.  Nruff: Nruff will charge in a straight line until it falls off the stage.

12.  Pix: The Pix crystals will fly around, shooting lasers at the players.

13.  Scarfy: Scarfy will simply fly around harmlessly until struck, at which point it will go after its attacker and bite them multiple times.

14.  Starman: Starman will shoot straight up, smacking into anyone in its way.

15.  Walky: A Walky will walk around the stage, letting off sonic blasts.

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