Friday, June 21, 2024



In 2001, an anime was released based on the Kirby series. The series featured Kirby as an infant star warrior, a race of heroes and enemies of the evil Nightmare Enterprises. The series begins as Kirby crashlands in a place called Cappy Town.

While in the games, Cappies are bouncy little mushroom guys. In the anime, however, they are generic blobs who acts as the standard NPCs of the series, many of them recurring.

As fighters, their color swaps will represent Mayor Len Blustergast, Hana Blustergast, Buttercup, Mabel, Samo, Gangu, Tuggle, Iro, Honey, and Spikehead. They are middling to low in terms of their stats, and their moveset will pull from all their collective hobbies and habits.

Likelihood rating: Non-game.

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