Monday, March 3, 2025

Character Sheet: Slowpoke


Next up, we have Slowpoke and Slowbro, a line of . . . pink somethings that are extremely slow in mind and body, and like to hang out near water with their tails in the water. When a clam bites the tail, it gives their brain a boost and they become Slowbro. In Gen 2, we got an alternate evolution where the clam bites the head and it becomes Slowking instead, while Gen 8 gave us regional variants where the clams were toxic and made them zombies. The closest thing I can say they're based on is the Sazae-Oni in Japanese mythology. Side note: because of their whole "slow" gimmick, they might be frustrating to downright unplayable in actual gameplay, but that's for the fictional programmers to figure out, not me.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Water Gun > Psychic

Side B: Headbutt > Zen Headbutt

Up B: Surf

Down B: Amnesia

Final Smash: Mass Amnesia > Mega Slowbro

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Very little, thinks like losing the tail and so on.

Kirby Hat: The ears, the tail with the clam on it.

Kart: The Poke Ball car.

Special Move: Amnesia

Spirit Battle: On S.S. Anne

Victory Screen: Getting ready to start the match.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Magnemite draws in its opponents.

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