Skipping over Farfetch'd for now, we next come to Doduo and Dodrio, a line of two- and three-headed ostriches commonly portrayed as steeds throughout much of the early Pokemon days, but really haven't had much attention given to them since.
Here's the moveset I came up with:
Standard B: Peck > Drill Peck
Side B: Quick Attack > Fury Attack
Up B: Agility
Down B: Double Hit
Final Smash: Doduo Stampede > Dodrio Stampede
Entrance: Poke Ball.
Taunts: The different heads pecking at each other and so on.
Kirby Hat: Two or three heads bouncing around on top like those hats with the springs attached.
Kart: Just running.
Special Move: Drill Peck.
Spirit Battle: On Pokemon Island.
Victory Screen: A herd of them running together into the sunset.
Losing Screen: Fainted.
Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.
Thanks for reading! Next up, Seel puts on a show!
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