Saturday, March 8, 2025

Character Sheet: The Grimer Line


Next up is the Grimer line, purple blobs of toxic pollution, based heavily on 80s and 90s cartoon depictions of what pollution looks like (see Captain Planet and the like). They are, at least to me, the quintessential Poison types, the first ones I think of when I think of the type. In Gen VIII, we got Alolan regional forms based on oil spills, gaining a Dark type, but we'll cover them later.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Sludge Bomb

Side B: Mud Slap > Belch

Up B: Sludge Wave

Down B: Harden > Acid Armor

Final Smash: Ecological Devastation

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Creeping, oozing, releasing gasses, all kinds of gross stuff.

Kirby Hat: Made of Grimer/Muk gunk.

Kart: The Poke Ball Car

Special Move: Sludge Bomb

Spirit Battle: On Saffron City.

Victory Screen: All life wilting around them as they spread everywhere.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Shellder comes out of its shell!

Friday, March 7, 2025

Character Sheet: The Seel Line


Next up, we have Seel and Dewgong, a line people seem to like to pick on as the most creatively bankrupt/most forgotten of Gen I. Which, I guess, fair, but I still think they're fun. And we at least have the very first Ice type with Dewgong.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Aurora Beam

Side B: Headbutt > Ice Shard

Up B: Aqua Jet > Dive

Down B: Rest

Final Smash: Put on a Show!

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Bouncing a ball, clapping, other seal tricks.

Kirby Hat: The head as a hat, with the spike

Kart: The Poke Ball Car

Special Move: Aurora Beam

Spirit Battle: On S.S. Anne

Victory Screen: Pulling off a grand finale.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Grimer stinks up the competition!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Character Sheet: The Doduo Line


Skipping over Farfetch'd for now, we next come to Doduo and Dodrio, a line of two- and three-headed ostriches commonly portrayed as steeds throughout much of the early Pokemon days, but really haven't had much attention given to them since.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Peck > Drill Peck

Side B: Quick Attack > Fury Attack

Up B: Agility

Down B: Double Hit

Final Smash: Doduo Stampede > Dodrio Stampede

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: The different heads pecking at each other and so on.

Kirby Hat: Two or three heads bouncing around on top like those hats with the springs attached.

Kart: Just running.

Special Move: Drill Peck.

Spirit Battle: On Pokemon Island.

Victory Screen: A herd of them running together into the sunset.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Seel puts on a show!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Character Sheet: The Magnemite Line


Next up is the Magnemite line, a race of living magnets that like to feed on electricity. They started as just Electric, but gained Steel when it was introduced in Gen II. They also gained a further evolution in Magnezone in Gen IV, and a Paradox Pokemon in Sandy Shocks in Gen IX, but we'll cover them later.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Thunder Shock > Flash Cannon

Side B: Supersonic > Tri Attack

Up B: Magnet Rise

Down B: Electro Ball

Final Smash: Super Magnet

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Twirling the magnets around, picking up small bits of junk, stuff like that.

Kirby Hat: The magnets and screws.

Kart: The Poke Ball car.

Special Move: Magnet Rise

Spirit Battle: On Saffron City

Victory Screen: A whole bunch of them flying together.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! It gets wierd from here. I'm going to be skipping over all the standalones for now, but don't worry. We'll get to them. Instead, Doduo performs a tag team!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Character Sheet: Slowpoke


Next up, we have Slowpoke and Slowbro, a line of . . . pink somethings that are extremely slow in mind and body, and like to hang out near water with their tails in the water. When a clam bites the tail, it gives their brain a boost and they become Slowbro. In Gen 2, we got an alternate evolution where the clam bites the head and it becomes Slowking instead, while Gen 8 gave us regional variants where the clams were toxic and made them zombies. The closest thing I can say they're based on is the Sazae-Oni in Japanese mythology. Side note: because of their whole "slow" gimmick, they might be frustrating to downright unplayable in actual gameplay, but that's for the fictional programmers to figure out, not me.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Water Gun > Psychic

Side B: Headbutt > Zen Headbutt

Up B: Surf

Down B: Amnesia

Final Smash: Mass Amnesia > Mega Slowbro

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Very little, thinks like losing the tail and so on.

Kirby Hat: The ears, the tail with the clam on it.

Kart: The Poke Ball car.

Special Move: Amnesia

Spirit Battle: On S.S. Anne

Victory Screen: Getting ready to start the match.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Magnemite draws in its opponents.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Character Sheet: The Ponyta Line


Ponyta and Rapidash are a line of flaming horses native to Kanto. Around the Galarian era, they gained a regional variant based on unicorns, which may have been their original. Other than that, they haven't really had that much fanfare over the years.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Ember > Megahorn

Side B: Flame Charge > Flare Blitz

Up B: Flame Wheel

Down B: Stomp

Final Smash: Flaming Stampede

Entrance: Poke Ball.

Taunts: Whinnying and bucking, standard horse things.

Kirby Hat: Their flaming manes.

Kart: Just running.

Special Move: Flame Charge

Spirit Battle: On Pikachu's Bedroom

Victory Screen: Rearing into the air and posing against the sunset.

Losing Screen: Fainted.

Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Slowpoke joins Melee!