Next up, we've got the Bellsprout line, mostly based on pitcher plants, which have bowl-like flowers full of sap that draws in insects, traps them, and then slowly digests them. Pokemon sure does love to teach you about the most messed-up stuff in nature, doesn't it? They've never had anything added, or any regional variants or anything, so it's just them.
Here's the moveset I came up with:
Standard B: Vine Whip > Power Whip (III)
Side B: Wrap > Razor Leaf (II)
Up B: Growth > Leaf Storm (III)
Down B: Acid > Gastro Acid (II)
Final Smash: Giant Trap
Entrance: Poke Ball.
Taunts: Dancing around, snapping at prey, etc.
Kirby Hat: Their heads as onesies.
Kart: The Poke Ball car
Special Move: Acid
Spirit Battle: On Pokemon Island
Victory Screen: Eating their opponent like it used to eat James.
Losing Screen: Fainted.
Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.
Thanks for reading! Next up, Tentacool surfaces from the deep.
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