Technically for this round, I'm only covering Kadabra and Alakazam, as their base form Abra can only learn Teleport naturally. Now, it is more receptive to learning TMs than the caterpillars and cocoons were, but I'm going to stick to my guns on this one. Abra will be an assist trophy, and it will do as it currently does in Smash Ultimate. As for its evolutions, Kadabra and Alakazam are both based on the general ideas and trappings of "wise mystics" like you'd see in a movie, just slapped onto a wierd kangaroo/cat thing. I guess it's supposed to be generally generic.
Here's the moveset I came up with:
Standard B: Psybeam > Psychic
Side B: Confusion
Up B: Teleport
Down B: Disable > Future Sight
Final Smash: Psyshock > Mega Alakazam
Entrance: Poke Ball.
Taunts: Meditating, waving its arms around, bending its spoons, that sort of thing.
Kirby Hat: The bony points and the mustaches.
Kart: The Poke Ball car
Special Move: Teleport
Spirit Battle: On Saffron City
Victory Screen: Meditating and teleporting away.
Losing Screen: Fainted.
Color Swaps: Main, shiny, other general colors.
Thanks for reading! Next up, Machop takes the championship belt!
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